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It was a beautiful morning as the birds chirped and the sun rose, gracing the earth with its warm raise. The streets were quiet and calm as the bugs flew around. It being the middle of summer, there were a lot of mosquitoes, but that didn't bring anybody down.

In a quiet apartment complex a pool lay, untouched as it waited for the hyper kids to wake up and take a morning swim. The workers picking up the trash trying to make it at least look a little deasant. A small window was pulled open, letting in the cool quiet air.

"I'm burning!!!" A screachy voice broke the calm and the birds flew away. Inside the open window lyed a curly haired boy, trying to hide under the covers.

"Get up, Haz! Its 9 o'clock!" A young lady stood by the window. She must have been the one to open it. Her long black hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and her attire consisted of black boxer shorts and a tank top. She must have woken up not long ago.

The boy groaned and closed the pillow around his head. He didn't want to get up. He didn't want to leave the soft warm comfort of his bed.

"No. I don't wanna." He muttered as he cuddled with the white plush pillow that covered him.

The girl sighed but she didn't give up.

"We're going to be late if you don't get your arse up!" She walked over to his bed and looked down at him, glaring.

The young man peaked up at her with hooded eyes. "No." He mumbled stubbornly. He closed his eyes again and went back to getting some sleep.

The girl on the other hand, had another idea.

"Get up- Aah!" She yelled as she tugged the blanket off the boy, only to reveal he was stark naked under it. "What have I told you about your nudness! You nimrod!" She screamed. She dropped the blanket and ran out the room, slamming the door behind her.

The guy chuckled and got up.

"Harry, one. Janeliz, zero."


"Your late." Was what Harry and Janeliz first heard when they stepped into the flower shop. Their boss, Mrs. Lacery stood by some fresh flowers as she watered them. Janeliz rolled her eyes and pointed to Harry.

"His fault." She mumbled and walked away. Harry glared at her, cursing her in his head.

"Priss." He muttered but quickly put on a small smile as Mrs. Lacery looked at him disapprovingly. He gulped as she stepped closer, but sighed when she walked passed him.

He made his way to the back and put on his work outfit, fixing his mop of curls after. When he saw Janeliz leave the back and walk into the front of the store, he dug around in his locker looking for something.

"Where are you? Where- ha, there you are!" He grabbed hold of a round and pink flower crown that layed on the bottom of the locker. Some of the pink flowers squished from the weight that was on it. Looks like he'll have to make another one soon. Maybe he'll use daisies next time, or tulips? Oh, he has so many choices!

"Harry!" He jumped up when he heard the yell from Janeliz. Harry scrunched up his face mimicking his best friend and quickly put the small piece on his head. He looked in the mirror, staring at himself. His mop of curls lay against him as the flower crown pushed it down. But he looked pretty none the less.


"I'm coming you old hag! Geez, no patients." He grumbled and made his way back to the front, preparing himself for long day of work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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