How They Propose (Part One)

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Tony Stark -Iron Man- 


You put down your book, and turned your head to see Steve looking very nervous. 

"I have something from Tony."

You gave Steve a small smile and took the letter from his shaking hand, "What's the matter Cap? You're shaking."

He shrugged, "Nervous for Tony."

You went to question him but he already turned his back on you to walk away so you yelled, "Thank you, Steve."

You tore the envelope and pulled a piece of paper out and it had 'Read First' printed on it. 

Dear (Y/N), 

Hello dear, I need you to do a few things for me, alright? Go to your room and open your closet, there will be a box. Open it, inside will be a surprise, put it on, all right?

You did as the letter said and found a (f/c) dress. It was a skater style, and was strapless. You put on (f/c) -heels or flats- that matched the dress perfectly. You took the second note out of the envelope and opened it. 


I see you got the dress, and if you haven't well you are skipping ahead, huh? I need you to go to the spot where we had our first 'fight'. 

You thought for a minute, and your eyes widened, the lab.

When you got to the lab, Clint Barton stood there with another envelope. 

"Take it." He nodded to the envelope and you smiled slightly.

"Thank you, Clint."

"Anything for you, (y/n)."

You opened the next letter and your eyes widened, you knew exactly where to go. 

When the elevator opened to the lobby, Thor stood there looking uncomfortable. 

You took the letter from him and the next letter said;

You're close my dear, now turn around.

You did as the letter said and there was Tony, kneeling on one knee.

Your hands touched your face in shock as Tony gave you a shaky smile. 

"(Y/N), I love you. I love you so much you make my head hurt and make it hard to breath, please don't stop. I want you to make me the luckiest man alive, (y/n) (l/n), so will you please be my Mrs. (y/n) Stark?"

You took in a shaky breath, "Yes."

 Steve Rodgers -Captain America- 

"Steve, where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere special."

He pulled into a cemetery and you looked at him with a confused glance, "Why are we here?"

"There are some people I want you to meet."

He stopped in front of two gravestones and on one said, "Joseph Rodgers" the other said, "Sarah Rodgers". 

"Steve, are these your parents?"

He nodded and touched his mother's stone carefully, "They were at least."

"I'm honored."

He whispered something and turned towards you, grabbing something in his pocket. 

"My mom always wanted to see me propose to the one I love, and I decided I would fulfill that dream of hers."

He leaned down on one knee and your eyes widened, "(y/n), I love you with all my heart. Honestly I didn't think I would ever find love again, or talk to a beautiful dame, woman, sorry, so will you (y/n) (y/m/n) (l/n) become (y/n) (y/m/n) Rodgers?"

"Yes, yes I will!"

 Bucky Barnes -Winter Soldier-

"Bucky, come on smile for once!"

You had just gotten a new camera and for the past hour have been taking pictures of random things, like the fly that was on the window, your spilled milk from your cereal, and now you were trying to get all of Bucky's facial expressions.

He plastered on a fake huge smile and you hit his shoulder, "Bucky."

He frowned again and looked at you, "Do you love me?"

You gave him a confused glance, "Of course I love you."

He nodded and wiped a bead of sweat off his forehead, "So, (y/n) I have a question for you."

"Ask away."

"Will you,"He paused and grabbed something from his pocket, "Will you marry me?"

Your eyes widened at the sight of your boyfriend, and you quickly pulled up your camera to snap a picture, and when you pulled the camera away, you saw he had an actual smile on his face, that you mirrored. 

"Of course!"

 Clint Barton -Hawkeye-

"You know what, I hope you don't die!"

You pointed at Finnick Odair on your tv screen and Clint blocked your view from the hot District Four member. 


He simply shrugged and walked away, but turned back around with a nerf gun bow, and shot a suction cup dart at you, which you dodged quickly. 

You looked at the arrow, and on it was a ring. 

You slowly pulled the ring off the arrow and turned to see Clint kneeling in front of you. 

"You know I am a man of few words, so will you marry me?"

"Yes Clint, I will."

"No more Finnick dreams right?"

"Just because my last name changes doesn't mean my mind changes, dear."

 Pietro Maximoff -Quicksilver-

You watched Pietro run on the treadmill and you decided to shut it off, just to see what would happen. 

He was thrown forward and hit the wall in front of him.

"Oh ow."

He stood up and lifted his shirt to see an imprint of a ring in his skin, "Ow."

You cringed, "Sorry, but why'd you have a ring?"

"I was going to ask you marry me, now help me find that ring!"

The ring was on the top of some ruble, "Found it."

He took it from you and blew some of the dust off and held it out to you. 

"It's for me?"

"If you want to marry me."

"Looks like I just got a new ring, because the answer is yes, speedy."


"Yeah, now come here!"

He sped over to you and your lips met in a sweet kiss. 

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