Chapter 15

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Credits to Wing - @H3ARTSF0RYU for the story idea! I have the story in my Reading list.

Silverstream's POV


Silverstream met Graystripe at the sunning rocks. Graystripe rolled himself in mud then washed himself in the river to get rid of his Thunderclan sent, after that, they were off. They started searching at four trees and then kept going to the border of Windclan. They started to slow down as they heard voices. Silverstream crouched instinctively, and so did Graystripe as they went nearer and nearer. Now, they can hear the voices of Feathertail and Goreswing talking "What does a fish taste like maybe like, water? Someone laughed presumably Feathertail. Silverstream accidentally stepped on a twig. *Snap* "Oops," Silverstream thought.

Feathertail's POV

Feathertail whipped her head around to the noise. It was coming from a bush behind them. As she watched two figures emerge, it was Silverstream and Graystripe Feathertail's mother and father. "no need to explain" Silverstream said "We heard you at the gathering "and were not disappointed in you, were VERY disappointed in you Feathertail GO BACK TO CAMP NOW! and DO NOT SEE GORESWING AGAIN" "NO!" Feathertail protested "IF that's the case I would rather live as rouges with Gorespaw! I don't care about the Warrior code if I cannot be with the cat I love!". Silverstream looked intently at Feathertail "Very well, but be careful if you ever want to have kits it might lead you to have to choose some heartbreaking choices". 

"It's time to head back anyways Graystripe, meet me at sunhigh to introduce you to Riverclan". Graystripe nodded and headed back, Feathertail followed Silverstream back to Riverclan camp "Do you know why I was acting like that?" Silverstream said to Feathertail "No" Feathertail replied simply "I want to see how strong your love is with Goreswing" "WHAT! You got me all angry for NOTHING???" Silverstream didn't reply they just kept walking. "And why do you want to meet Graystripe at sunhigh?" "You will see soon enough" Silverstream replied. 

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