Sora's arrival

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A/N: Hi before we get started with this oneshot, I was 15 when I wrote this on Google docs and now I'm 18 so my writing style was completely different back then and now it has changed and improved since then. But this oneshot is cringe but I liked writing it back then and it was one of my fave oneshots to write and I wanted to publish this on Wattpad cuz why not lol.

Anyways enjoy :)

Originally written on October 12th, 2021.

It was October 5th 2021 the final fighter was gonna be revealed, everyone was excited for who's gonna join the last slot for DLC. Then it was time.. A keyblade shimmered through the light everyone in the smash roster was still frozen in their amiibo forms as statues, then the keyblade made a strike of light and the light strike through and it made a keylock symbol, the key symbol started to open as the fighters broke free from the darkness that they were all in! Then a spiky browned hair boy floated out of the keylock symbol door the boy opened his eyes as he flew upside down then right back up, It was Sora! Sora looked down at all of the fighters that were free from being statues as amiibos, Sora started to fly just like Peter Pan from Tinkerbell!

Sora flew across the fighters as sparkles appeared each time he flew, Sora smiled as he started to reach the ground and he saw his keyblade the one that opened the keylock door! The keyblade started to flip multiple times as Sora caught his main weapon he held it and he spinned it multiple times. Sora placed his keyblade on his shoulder and said "Let's go!" Sora is finally in the roster! After he saved everyone he opened the door as he walked in the smash mansion as everyone made a welcome party for him everyone shouted "Welcome Sora!" Sora smiled as he saw everyone's surprise for him, Sora was super happy he looked around as he saw balloons, drinks and a huge cake! "Wow you all made this party for me? Am.. am I dreaming?!" Sora said as he pinched himself checking if he was dreaming or not. "Ow! Yep I'm not dreaming! Oh my goodness I can't believe this is happening!" he said excitedly, then a princess walked up to him it was Zelda! Zelda walked up to him as she placed her hand on Sora's shoulder as she said "No your not dreaming silly! Your officially apart of the smash bros family now Sora!" she said congratulating him.

Sora looked around the place this was a dream come true for many fans and himself he held his invitation in his hands as he continued "Thank you! I'm just so happy to be here!" he said to her then Sora realized that two of his friends were here, Cloud and Sephiroth. He wanted to see them since its been such a long time after he last saw them he really wanted to see Cloud again and have a rematch with Sephiroth again. Sora was really close with the two ever since well... years! "Wait are my friends here? Cloud and Sephiroth I-I wanna see them so I can have a rematch with them!!" He questioned her, "Oh! I think they're on the battlefield! Zelda responded, "Oh great thanks!" Sora said as he ran to the battlefield to see two of his allies Cloud and Sephiroth.

Cloud and Sephiroth were on the battlefield they're getting ready to battle together Sephiroth held his sword in front of Cloud as he said "I have finally had the chance to battle you Cloud are you ready?" he asked Cloud got his weapon as he shrugged "Sure I guess" Cloud was the type of person very chill and calm but ever since his enemy Sephrioth joined the roster in December he didn't battle with him because he didn't like him very much. When the two were about to start their fight they heard a familiar voice it was Sora! Sora finally found his friends he was catching his breath from running so much "guys! I'm here! Wait up!!!" he said Cloud and Sephrioth recognized Sora's voice "You didn't tell me the kid was coming!" Sephiroth yelled Cloud also didn't knew that Sora was coming either "Well I didn't knew!" he responded, Sora ran up to see Cloud and Sephiroth he smiled with happiness on his face he couldn't believe he's gonna see his friends again. Sora smiled as he said to Cloud and Sephiroth "Wow! I can't believe you guys are here!" Sora said then he looked at Cloud he sure looked different after all of this time then Sora continued "You sure look from the last time I saw you Cloud!" he said as he began to look at Sephiroth, "So do you Sephiroth! You guys sure have some funny outfits on! Oh my gosh Sephiroh! Where are your wings!? Did it disappear? Did it vanish?! Or was it not there after all of these years!" Sora asked he was asking a lot of questions to them.

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