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Luke was getting annoyed. It had been 2 hours since the last time he had ate and he really wanted his mom to bring up his pop tarts sooner. He was honestly getting fed up and he needed to do something about it.
"Mother, where are my pop tarts?"
"Luke honey stop shouting I'm here." Liz had just entered her sons bedroom with his plate of pop tarts and honestly was not fazed at all by the fact that it was 12am and he was on Skype to Michael in his boxers.
"Hi Liz"
"Hello Michael honey." Liz was grateful that Luke had someone like Michael in his life. Even with his hair which changed colour every week and the shirts which had holes in, and not to forget his jeans that were faded at the kneecaps, Michael influenced luke in the most positive ways.
"Mike stop flirting with my mom!" "Dude, all I said was hi!" "Lucas! Stop this nonsense and go to sleep." She was tired of hearing the boys at 12am while she was trying to get to sleep, it had to stop.
"I'm 18 now I can do what I want ." Luke hated how his mom treated him like a child, the sooner he got an apartment with Spencer the better. "Also I need to text Spence a goodnight paragraph because they like cute shit like that don't they mom?"
"Whatever Luke, goodnight Michael!"
"But mo-"
"Night Mrs H!"
Liz left Luke's room while muttering profanities under her breath. 'Damn teenagers'
Luke cut off Michaels Skype call and decided to ring Spencer instead, at least she would be more interested in him than his mom.
"Hey luke" Luke felt bad, he realised that it was in fact 12:49am and she must have been sleeping.
"Hi baby, I'm sorry if I woke you up"
"No no I was awake anyway" He could tell she had been asleep, her voice sounded raspy and she had still answered his call, this was one of the infinite reasons why Luke Hemmings was so madly in love with Spencer.
It had been over half an hour and the phone call between the pair consisted of childish giggles and 'I love you's'
"Luke." Spencer could not contain her laughter, Luke had just told her how he accused Michael of flirting with his mom.
"I swear he had that look! You've seen him Spence, he'd hop on anything with legs!"
"Luke shut up you dork."
Luke knew Spencer was getting tired so he decided to let her sleep.
"Night baby, I love you"
"But Luuuuuke, I still wanna speak to you." Luke could imagine Spence pouting through the phone and he let out a slight giggle.
"But spence we have college tomorrow and it's 1:09am, I really think you should go to sleep - i'll see you tomorrow beautiful."
"Okay luke."
Now Luke felt sad. He heard the sigh that had left her mouth and it hurt because he was so in love with her and would do anything to prevent her from being sad. But Luke knew he couldn't stay up with her any longer.
Spencer had cut off their call and Luke was sprawled across his bed contemplating life.
It had been 4 years since he had asked Spencer to be his girlfriend and he had to do something better than last year and the year before for their 4 year anniversary in 2 weeks.
But just then, an important issue came to his attention.
Liz had not gave him his pop tarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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