✰ 11. Official

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Tazer's P.O.V

Me and the mandem are on our block smoking and vibing enjoying the sun today, for once there's a bit of sun the UK is dead for summer, i was enjoying it. Skreamz and I sat next to other whilst the other boys stood in front of us, Twosie was it front doing us stupid ass dance moves whilst Tiny tried to copy him but failing miserably making us die out of laughter.

"Yo Tazer lemme ask you something" Twsoie asks, "yo my bro" I replied nodding my head signing him to go on, he always come out with some shit. I am already prepared. "You nervous to be a dad bro?" He asks me on a serious one whilst putting his zoot behind his right ear "to be honest, man's scared. Like on some g shit the thought of anything happening to my baby petrifies me man" I sigh be honestly with them, "it's a big deal bro, you're gonna be a good dad for real. Not on some gay shit but for real." Skreamer daps me up doing our hand shake.

"How's sky?" Tiny asks, I can tell he really likes Skyla like on some older sister shit which sat right with me I appreciated that the man are always respectful and protective of Skyla they are real ones. "She's good, I mean she great. She deals with my shit uno, she's a real one for sure" I nodded in approval just thinking about her. "When you gonna ask her then?" Twosie asks me, "Ask her what?" I asked him back, "brudda, to be your girl" Skreamer laugh, "ask her what to be my girl?? Kmt she knows that already why I gotta ask her g?" I popped my top.

Is it a big deal?

"Brudda, you gotta ask her. Females work differently, you know if you don't she will fuck you up" Skreamer looks at me some serious one, and he's right.
"Alright how do I ask her?" I ask the boys, rubbing the back of my head confused thinking of ways to do it, "You could do the whole balloon shit?" Tiny says, whilst everyone laughs.

"That's moist blud" one of the boys say, "not if you can get some pussy, long dick pon the cocky" Twosie jumps um rocking his hips side to side doing one of his stupid dances from Tik Tok.

"Yo chill" I tell him laughing but giving him the eyes, he already knew was up because he put his hand up surrendering. "What have you man do for a girl? Besides fuck her about and give her a STD?" I ask the mandem, these daugs are ruthless.

"Once I made a girl breaky"

"Once I messaged her a long paragraph, telling her I felt about her on Snapchat"

"Once I took her for Nando's"

"Took her to boots"

"One time I payed for her nails, best slops ever" Twosie says, hand gesturing moving up and down, joker.

Everyone laughs, "Yo keep it simple g. Take her for food or cook and ask her, make it personal. Fuck all the extra shit" Skreamer says turning his energy back to his zoot, "yo who would've thought skreamer the big g like you is a soft brudda" Tiny points at Skreamer dying laughing with tears rolling down his face, Skreamer breaks into a smile all embarrassed.

"thanks, now let's stop being fucking moist and put the work in" I tell them standing up clapping my hands together to get them moving.


Skyla's P.O.V

I feel like everything is so hard, the whole thing with Michael showing me Katherine's true side and seeing it happen without me knowing, I can it really hurt me. Gutted me from the inside. The past two nights all I have done is think about Tazer, how they are gonna take him and potentially hurt him and I can't even give him the heads up. I can't help but to feel guilty.

Right now I'm in bed, cuddled up in my fluffy blanket binge watching 'Top Boy' I haven't left my bed for the past two days, me and my baby girl are chilling and vibing. "Baby" I hear as Tazer walks into the room, he looks good in his grey tracky, mmm. "Baby you gonna get up?" He walks over to me pecking my lips, "No" I shake my head, why is he disturbing me.

"B you have been in this bed for two days, what's going on?" He asks me, sitting on the edge of the bed looking at me. I can't tell him. It will only get him killed. "Nothing baby, just tired and i want to rest it's hard growing a baby" I wave him off going back to my episode.

"Okay baby" he grabs my chin placing his lips onto mine, his soft touch always soothed me. It's almost has all the anxiety and the nerves disappear for just a moment, I could be here all day. "I'm gonna make you some food" he says getting up and walking downstairs, the Tazer is making me breakfast?
'Who would've thought' I chuckled to myself.

Deciding to get up, I made the bed putting all my pillows back onto the bed. I really don't know why I have all these pillows when I just throw them on the floor each night. Going into my bathroom I had a quick shower, brushed my teeth and did my hair. I rubbed some baby oil on my stomach to avoid more stretch marks my belly was going to beautifully. I stared at my pregnant belly for a while, before getting back into a fresh pair of pyjamas.

A fresh up makes a difference.

25 minutes later

For the past twenty or so minutes all I've heard was Tazer speaking to himself, stressing whilst making breakfast it was hilarious to listen. All I can think of this kitchen being an absolute mess but he's doing something nice for me so I shall allow it. I mean after all he is feeding me, as he should tf.

"You ready babes?" Tazer shouts walking up to the room, I giggled why is he making this such a big deal I thought to myself. "Yes babe come on likeee, I'm starving" I shout back at him, he walks into the room with a tray in his hand, he walks towards me placing the tray in front of me. There was a glass of orange juice, a small plate of toast and my breakfast, eggs hash browns, sausages, beans.

I look closely to see writing at the bottom of the plate and it read, "Will you be my girlfriend?" In tomato sauce it was super wonky. How precious.
I look up Tazer he had his arms crossed together behind his back whilst biting his lip, he was so nervous bless him. He is the sweetest thing.

I stand up walking over to him wrapping my hand around his neck has he hugs me and brings me close, "You are the sweetest thing ever" I smiled laughing softly, Tazer is still staring at me waiting for me to answer. "Of course" we both smiled, I kissed him softly before biting his lip teasing him, "fuck the breakfast" Tazer says as he lifts me up placing me on bed.

We are finally, official.
Took his time.

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