BTB 01

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I’m fully capable of having myself in check in a night stroll and yet why am I stuck with...

“Sargent D609... how’s the position at the lamp post?”

“On the lamp post sir, Position secured sir!”

An utterly immature, overly hormonal teenager?

“Sargent! You’re supposed to be at the lamp post not on it!”

“My bad sir. I thought the whole procedure was to go undercover.”

“Sargent, now, you’re by no means undercover but excessively over covered! What the heck are you supposed to be doing on a lamp post? This isn’t a circus...I’m not checking your flexibility!”

“Understood sir, going down sir.”

“No you stay there. I’ll handle this, If you're so eager to do the job 24/7, keep surveillance on the area and inform me if anything suspicious appears.”

“Sargent D609 at the job sir!”

If I’m to hear one more sir, I’m sure to give him a free pass to another sector.

Moments like this make me want to vaporize the existence of him off the records of TESPA (Territory-E Security Protocol Agency, my alma mater and which also happened to be my workplace).

The humidity of winter, in the late night and the HOVERs blew past above now and then made their way in to my senses but I was in no state to accept it just like that. Everything was so different and so,so changed.

Also that brain dead donkey on the lamp post! Half of my intellectual cells are going dead at this point.

There were moments; I mean beside me going on with my life like a normal twenty two year old job owner would do, I wished I had my partner in crime back.

Why did she had to go so fast?

And now I’m stuck with an inhumanely hard-to-deal-with asshat.

With Cal it was all goofy and funny, we were reckless all the time, running here and there and yet getting the job done exceptionally good in the end with just scratches and wounds. And with this moron its all boredom and never ending agitation that one cannot possibly hold on to any time longer than a span of five minutes. I’m proud of my current self for keeping up.

Being in the highest rank and partnering up with the amateur of lowest rank? Twice in the same month? Who did they took me for? Am I becoming the laughingstock of the sector? Might as well jump off a cliff before the third.

It wasn’t like I hated the new agent who got signed up with me (forcibly in my case). But rather having an unfair irritation on him for being nothing like Cal. I knew it was unfair to a point I really strongly kept myself from snapping at him. I was missing Cal so much, her jokes, her smiles, her talks, her walks and the mere presence of her beside me. And it didn't matter that the things reminding me of her was positive or negative, I despised to be reminded her absence in any way.

“Sir, there’s someone behind you.”

I whipped my head backward only to see a fist colliding with my eye sight.

I cursed at the child I was many years ago, who often wondered how would it feel like to actually be blind.

“God gracious man, what were you doing when he was approaching me?” I inquired stumbling back covering my stinging eyes. Was it his fault that I zoned out and failed to concentrate on my surroundings? Focus man, you’re a general of your sector for God’s Sake!

“You want to know what I was doing sir?” voice in the lowest octave....

This is not a moment to think about kinks, pull yourself together!

A loud grunt followed with the automatic activation sound of the SEPAR (Sword Emulsions Per Arc Radius, a fancy word for a light stabber with modifications if you may ask me.) I stayed on the ground not sure on what to grab for support. And also unsure whether the sword would strike me too, because so long for a month I wasn’t the best partner for the boy. To my dismay there was a agonizing shriek coming from the attacker which I hoped to not only devour with my ears but also my eyes.

No shit Sherlock, this obviously isn’t where the main character gets outsmarted by a lower case villain. All hail the newbie! Boo, to the General...

“I was busy baiting sir. And in any case you’re wondering what I’m doing now sir, I’m holding my hand for you to get up.”

I could punch his face right now, so happily. But at the same time I was feeling shamelessly grateful for the boy to a degree which absolutely was unhealthy for my ego. Who am I overly pathetic self who blamed and shamed the saviour of mine?

My hand blindly searched for the said hand in return.
Nothing. Saviour my ass!

“For the love of god Sargent...I’m no man for you to play pranks with-”

“I’m not –”

Noises of him gagging and thumping his feet on the ground was piercing my ears out of nowhere. The villain strikes back. “Someone, help....”

I tried getting up, but nothing was achieved as the feeling of not seeing anything got in the way.

“You need to be put in your place boy...” the voice of our opponent rang.

I was thinking the same thing. But not in this way. Absolutely not.

Strangely I wasn’t feeling any kind of satisfaction. Minutes ago most probably I would have. But there weren’t anymore. None at all. In fact I was more worried for the boy.

What was happening? This isn’t going good! I’m not hearing any thing...What the heck is this hooligan doing to the boy?

“Sargent! Sargent!”

I ripped off my hand from the ground slick with rain water and grease smelling so strong that I could retch at any given chance. Traveling my hands along my cloak, I pulled the first thing in shape to help me in danger that came in contact. Definitely not a SEPAR! A gun. Yes!

Now then the problem was I had no idea where to shoot to a point I wished I was still on the ground covering my eyes. 'Top agent misses the shot, carrier at risk!’, how would you feel when it makes it’s way up to the bulletin board of your office floor? I’d dig a hole right then and there and bury myself to avoid the embarrassment.

But the embarrassment would have to wait.

There was no sound of the boy.




I'm soooooooo excited for this story to continue...This is my first time writing in a platform like this and I hope you enjoyed really.😅 (I'm cringing really hard rn tbh...)

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That would mean a lot!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘

See you all again soon...Stay stafe and Let's Hope!😇

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