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Stiles sat in front of the microwave watching the kernels pop.

He liked to hear the noises, and guess when which kernel would pop.

The machine beeped, signalling that the food was ready.

Stiles carefully removed the hot package, pouring it's contents into a bowl.

Then, Stiles turned to the oven to stir his melting butter.

He stood in front on the stove, swaying his hips slightly as he stirred.

He was humming a song he had heard on the radio.

Two strong hands gripped Stile's waist.

Stiles smiled as he looked up at the face smiling down on him.

"Hello, mr.Hale." He hummed into Derek's jaw.

"Shouldn't you pay attention to your butter, mr.Stilinski?" Derek asked whilst raising an eyebrow.

Stiles groaned and turned back to the melted liquid in his pan.

Derek began to kiss his neck lovingly and Stiles smiled.

Suddenly Derek stopped.

"Derek?" Stiles questioned as the older boy walked towards the door.

"Peter's here, I can smell him." Derek explained.

Stiles mumbled a few unfriendly words and poured the butter on his popcorn, creating a sizzling sound.

"That smells good." Peter decided from the doorframe.

"Hello, Stiles." He smiled.

Derek growled and Stiles ignored what he said and put the popcorn bowl at Derek's coffee table.

"What do you want?" Derek asked.

"Can't I visit my favourite nephew?" Peter scoffed.

"No." Derek responded flatly.

Peter poked his was through the door and looked at Stiles. He was picking out a movie, rather excitedly.

"Hmm, am I interrupting Stiles time?" Peter snarked.

Derek growled and shut the door on his vile uncle.

Derek stormed over to the couch and sat on the side farthest from Stiles.

Stiles slowly scooched himself closer to Derek, until his head rested on his lap.

Stiles smiled at Derek, who didn't smile back.

"What's up, sourwolf?" Stiles giggled.

Derek just stared at the blank tv.

"Derek!" Stiles whined, lifting himself up against Derek's shoulder.

Stiles smushed his face against Derek's and nuzzled into him gently.

"Come on Der-bear, tell me what's wrong." Stiles cooed.

Derek growled. "Peter didn't come here for no reason, it's bothering me."

Stiles looked at Derek thoughtfully.

"Let's get your mind off that." Stiles whispered, kissing Derek gently on the head.

Derek's lips curved into a small smile but it soon faded when he felt like he was being watched.


"Isn't that sweet, Derek." Peter knew he could hear him.

Derek was grinding his teeth while Stiles pressed play to the movie he chose.

After starting the film Stiles collapsed back onto Derek and sunk into his chest, molding into his features.

"A little cuddle time with your boyfriend. Derek, your so soft." Peter mocked.

Derek balled his fists and growled slightly.

"What? He is your boyfriend."

Derek never liked it when people called Stiles his boyfriend. Yes, it was kinda true but he never went around acting like they were a couple.

Sure they had chemistry that they couldn't just hide, and people could tell how they felt just by how they acted around one another, but they rarely shared PDA.

Derek never introduced Stiles as his boyfriend. Sometimes people would ask, and Stiles loved to get all cuddly on Derek when they did. Somehow, Derek always kept his death glare face.

Derek would refer to Stiles as 'His Stiles.' Not in a cute way more of an 'I own this human, he is my pet not my significant other.' belittling way.

Derek did his best to tone Peter out and focus on Stiles.

Eventually he got himself lost in Stiles. He loved everything about him, he would never let anyone know that of course. His little moles, The way his mouth bent when would smile or laugh while nervous, his hands, every bend of his face, the way his hair stuck out in all the right places, his perfect nose, the way his eyes-

"Your not watching." Stiles observed, braking Derek's trance.

"Hmm?" Derek asked rasing a brow.

"The movie. Your not watching." Stiles explained like a five year old.

Derek also loved Stiles' playful personality.

Sighing, he turned and looked that the screen which was, not nearly as interesting as Stiles.

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