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The credits began to roll and Derek stopped the movie to look down at Stiles. He had fallen asleep on Derek's lap.

He smiled.

There was a knock at his door so Derek carefully moved from sleeping Stiles to answer it.

Two large betas stood there, Derek recognized them from somewhere.

"Why does and alphas house smell like popcorn?" one of them mocked in a husky voice. They sounded dumb but seemed to have decent strength.

"I like popcorn as much as the next alpha does" Derek said without a smile.

The two didn't seem very intimated and let themselves in.

"This place is tiny." One observed. He had sandy blonde hair, messy teeth- a few missing, blue eyes, and a muscular build.

Derek growled as the other one walked closer to the couch. He had an identical body to his partner but he had dark brown curls on his head. His skin was a deep tan and his clothes were ripped.

"Why is there a teeny human sleeping on your couch?" The blonde asked, looking at Stiles who was stirring in his sleep.

"Why are two nameless betas wandering through my home?" Derek asked in return, crossing his arms.

The darker one looked at him. "I'm Jorge, he is Matt." Jorge pointed to the blonde (who now had a name.)

Derek nodded. "Why are you here?"

Jorge motioned for Matt to come by his side. Matt obeyed. "Were just here to get to know the Alpha we've heard so much about." Derek eyed the pair suspiciously. They were not telling the truth.

"I'm Derek, your Jorge. There, you know me." Derek scoffed.

Jorge nodded, and headed for the door. Matt followed close behind. Derek shut the door behind them.

"Who were they?" Stiles asked, peeking his head out from behind the couch. Derek continued to scowl at the window. Stiles hopped off the couch and trotted over beside Derek.

All he saw was a car quickly speeding away.

"What do they want?"
"I don't know."
Can I help?"
"Does Scott get to help?"

Stiles whined "No fair!" He slung his arms across Derek and whined louder. "I wanna help the big bad Alpha sourwolf too!" Derek pushed Stiles off his body, causing the smaller boy to hit the ground with loud thunk.

"StopitStiles." Derek said very fast, in a monotone voice. Stiles lay on the ground and began to wail dramatically. "I'm all alone and sexy alpha wolf guy won't come save me! I'm in distress! Derek, save me!"

"What are you doing?" Derek turned to look at the strange boy, rolling around on the ground. Stiles leaned up against his elbow and give Derek an 'are you an idiot it's so obvious what in doing' look. "I'm in distress, duh." He explained with a flip of his hand.

Derek rolled his eyes and walked into another room. "Dereeeeeeek!" Stiles whined, sliding across the floor. When he didn't get a reply he pulled out his phone and texted his group chat.

Group chat: 'Tha Pack 💁'
Contacts: Scotty boy, Erica, Isaac, ❤️Der-Bear, Boyd, Lydia, Allison

Stiles: Guys help! Derek is abusing me!

He chuckled as he saw the others typing.

Scotty boy: Call the police, I'll come pick you up as soon as I can!

Lydia: Are you okay?!

Isaac: How long has this been going on for?

Erica: I'm gonna beat the shit out if Derek.

❤️Der-Bear: Don't call the police. Stiles is jut being a moron.

Lydia: Why should we Believe you!?

❤️Der-Bear: If I really was abusing him, why would he add me in the chat he told you guys on?

Erica: I would've killed you.

❤️Der-Bear: Sure, Erica.


Stiles: Not nothing, you can come over and chill.

❤️Der-Bear: Scott, get out of my driveway.

Allison: Stiles! Abuse is no joke!

Scotty boy: Hey Allison. 😊

Erica: I'm gonna puke.

Isaac: Ew.

Lydia: You people are weird.

Boyd: Were not people.

Stiles: Boom! A wild Boyd appears.

Boyd: I'm leaving.

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