Chapter One

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NOTE: Chapters will be quite short, since I want this to be updated at least once/or twice a week :)



Third Reich waited hours, he was trying to come up with a new plan, fast, before they even came back from battle. He always had a plan before they came back- if the battle wasn't a success, but it seems like this time.. He was just stuck.

There must be a solution, the Allies entered through Southern Italy- so if we just...

Arghhhh, never mind! That'll flop. What will they think if I don't have a plan by then?

"Already struggling?" Horst-Wessel asked, teleporting in from behind Reich.

"Obviously, do you have a plan?" <<Third Reich

Horst-Wessel laughed, "You really think I'll help you? I'm just there, Reich. I'm just the anthem! Like you said days ago, I'm useless and nobody in this place needs my appearance present unless Adolf calls me for the anthem. Now if you excuse me, I'll go bother Star-Spangled Banner to the death."

Horst-Wessel dissapeared in a blink of an eye.

Great... He wasted my time.

The door swung opened.

Are you serious?! ALREADY?

The Empire of Japan came in first, looking pretty beaten-up, Austria and Czechoslovakia then came in, also looking beaten-up. But they had worse injuries than JE... And then finally, Hungary (who was also injured) came in with Italy on her back.

He was unconscious, badly injured.

"What the hell happened?! WHY is Italy unconscious?!" Third Reich yelled, getting up from his chair.

Mussol¡n¡ might as well yell at me for Italy's injuries, it's so bad.

Japan laughed at Reich as if he was joking. "Well... Your stupid plan of "go out there we're countries" FAILED as bad as your last self's battles in the Great War, Italys' injuries are this bad because of you, now. We're leaving." She left the room, Austria and Czechoslovakia both gave Reich an ugly look before they left, which isn't really uncommon, Czechoslovakia hates him for invading him, but Asutria doesn't really have any grudges against him.

"He got shot on the leg when he was retreating back to us- he nearly got extreme injuries by a nearby exploding landmine, also, before all of that- he spent most of the battle protecting us." Hungary explained as she tried handing over the unconscious Italian to Third Reich.

Italy you freaking- UGH! You stupid! I told you to focus on the battle before them!

I don't even know who to be mad at; Japan, Italy- or myself..

"Thank you for bringing him over to me, Hungary. I'll deal with this idiot." Reich said, before Italy fell to the ground.

"Uhh.." <<Hungary

Anddd he fell before I could even have a stabled grasp on him. He deserves to be on that floor for being stupid.

Very stupid.

"I'll take care of that, you can now go." Reich told Hungary, she nodded as Reich knelt over to get the Italian up.

That was when Adolf came in the room, he was about half the size of Reich, and Reich despised him in every way. He HATED being commanded by humans! He's a country, why bother their advise or commands?

Just a bunch of stupid-Countryhuman brain controllers. That's what we've been to them for the last centuries.

He realized the small Austrian hasn't talked-

Oh right..

The dictator didn't like looking up at Reich, Countryhumans were usually twice the size of an average human, and Adolf's neck would scream if he looked up that long when talking to TR.

Third Reich set the unconscious Italian on a nearby sofa, he then came back in front of Adolf, he knelt down and sat on his knees, now the dictator spoke.

"I am disappointed with what happened today- Japan, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia are pretty injured, and Italy has the worst injuries- not to mention, he's literally UNCONSCIOUS. I am so disappointed with your plan, sending them all by themselves to face a French, Englishman and an entire army! REICH! AN ENTIRE ARMY!" The small Austrian yelled, he kept on lecturing Reich, stressing him out more.

Worst of ALL, Mussol¡n¡ joined in, he's pretty angry and not pleased about Italy's injuries.

After what felt like hours of lecturing, they finally sent Third Reich away to his room, but instead of going there- he figured he should check on Italy first. (They, the soldiers, took Italy to the hospital wing after Mussol¡n¡ found out)

When he got there, he found Italy sat up, awake.. Looking better than before.

"Are you feeling better?" Third Reich asked, he didn't know what emotion he felt right now, he just wanted to SHOVE ALL THE LEADERS INTO A FREAKING VOLCANO. But at the same time, he was a bit worried for FI.

Fascist Italy nodded, "I'm feeling a bit better than before I guess.. My gunshot wound aches, I feel a bit nauseous.. The doctor earlier told me I can't stand/walk yet, it'll take a few days or so." Italy explained, he didn't seem bothered by the injuries at all.

Third Reich checked Italy's left arm, the bandage was bloody, he needed a new one.

"Your fault it's like that." FI mumbled, looking away from Reich.

Also your fault, but it's mainly my fault I sent you there. So I guess you win this one.

Third Reich took the bandage off, he got up and threw the bloody one away in a nearby trash can, then grabbing a newer one from the counter before coming back and wrapping the newer bandage around Italy's arm, the Italian muttered a few curses from the pain.

After calming down, Italy asked a question.

"Where are the others?" Italy asked.

I'm pretty sure they went back to their countries, or at least having another meeting without me.

"Probably went back to their countries, are you feeling better?" 

"Yeah.. Leg still aches tho."


The German dictator walked down the halls of the building, he felt like raging at everyone, his mind filled with hatred. That was until he was stopped by the Italian dictator.

"Adolf! Wait up!" Mussol¡n¡ called, Adolf stopped in his tracks, probably wondering what the other dictator needs.

"Yes?" <<Adolf

"We should be more careful about those two Countryhumans, because when we were lecturing Reich- he didn't seem very pleased, the hate on his face makes it clear he hates us, and that's pretty bad since they could possibly change their minds about us." The Italian dictator explained.

Adolf knew he had a point, but why bother much about them?

It was valid that Reich hated them, Adolf and Mussol¡n¡ knew Reich's opinions about them being "humans ordering Countryhumans around like dogs."

"I guess it won't be that hard, we've been manipulating them since... What could go wrong? Come with me, Mussol¡n¡."

Words: 1085

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