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"So who do you think is the hottest Cullen?" Jessica muses one day at lunch. Celeste quietly groans, sipping on her Coke and for once wishing for the company of Tyler or Mike so she didn't have to sit through the torture they dubbed girl talk. "Or Hale."

"Jesus. What is it with your obsession with that family? Literally every other person in this school is staring or swooning or muttering about how they wanna get one of them in sack. Leave that poor family alone."

Lauren, the one girl Celeste fantasized about draining on a daily basis, rolls her eyes. "Don't act as if you're not interested. I see you staring too."

She shrugs. "They're aesthetically pleasing, sure, but I don't fantasize about banging one of them like half this school apparently does. They're our peers, not some celebrity that makes it's okay for you to fantasize getting dicked down by." Celeste hears a snort as soon as the words leave her mouth, but it's from nowhere around her table. It's from across the room. Chancing a glance at the Cullen table, she sees Emmett with his head ducked and shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter. Even Rosalie, the one everyone had dubbed the Ice Queen, seems amused. Huh. Enhanced hearing?

"Yeah, but even Angela has a favorite," Jessica muses, causing the dark haired girl in question to blush a deep red and nervously fidget with her glasses. "Surely you have to have an opinion. Come on, Celeste, share with the class."

Sighing, she caves. Celeste knows Jessica won't let this go. "Fine. If I had to choose.. it's be Rosalie." Angela smiles, Jessica gapes, and Lauren's mouth twists into a sneer. "I mean have you seen her shoes? I'd fuck her just for her shoe collection."

Angela and Jessica erupt in a fit of giggles, but it's Lauren who scoffs. "That's disgusting."

"Easy, Mallory," Celeste warns, her smile diminishing and her aura promising violence. She knows the mood has shifted when Angela suddenly shivers and Jessica suddenly seems uncomfortable. "You wouldn't want the entire school to know you're a homophobe, do you? As small as this school is, I'm sure the will rumor will be spread by the end of the next class period."

She squawks in outrage. "I am not-"

"Then fuck off. Jessica asked a question and I answered it. You don't like my answer, then keep your shitty opinion to yourself."

Celeste pushes back in her chair, glaring at the now cowed teenager while gathering up her lunch tray and trash. "I'll see you in Bio, Ang, and you in P.E, Jess." She stalks towards the trash cans, chancing a look at the Cullen table one more time. Every member of the family are staring at her, Alice and Emmett the only ones beaming.

She winks at the smallest at the Cullen table, but when her gaze meets that of Jasper's for the first time.. she stumbles. It feels as if the air has been sucked from her lungs and there's a crushing weight settling on her chest. She knew he was handsome before, but this- it feels different. She's suddenly overwhelmed with attraction towards him and wants nothing more than to go to him, but that's.. it's silly. She doesn't even know him to be this attracted to him and-

What the hell is going on?!

Celeste inhales shakily.. and just like that she can breathe again. Jasper's eyes subtly widen before he looks away, but she doesn't miss the small grin that turns up the corner of his mouth.

"Celeste?" She startles, meeting Angela's worried gaze. "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah." Celeste clears her throat, quickly dumping her tray and setting the tray aside. "I just- I got sucked into a Jasper vortex it seems."

Understanding, Angela chuckles as she dumps her tray as well. "That tends to happen quite a lot around here."

"No kidding. Come on. Lets get out of here." And just like that, Celeste puts the weirdly intense staring competition to the back of her mind.

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