Starting of something.......

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After hectic practice ishan laying on ground with shubman sitting beside him both Looking towards blue sky lost in comfortable silence

"Ishan" shubman call him

Ishan "hmm " in return very lazy to say anything

"You know if looks can kill me ,i would be six feet below ground " shubman can't help but laugh at his own joke making his beautiful dimples to show up, making him beautiful in bright sunlight

"What?" Ishan ask quite getting confused

"That's your manager right,what was his name again...Aryan.. something like that"

"WHAT?, Aarya?, here?" Ishan get up hurriedly sitting beside shubman, looking towards his brother who is standing at some distance from them but his eyes boring holes into shubman's skull

"Iam really sorry sir.......i think he is here to take me"
Ishan said getting embarrass of aaru 's behaviour ,his ears turned red, cheeks like cheery

"When will you stop calling me sir ishan?"
Shubman ask,this ishan made shubman so comfortable with his bubbly personality
And when his baby cheeks turned cheery red, like they had now shubman hand itchy to pinch them softly


"Stop calling me sir okay ,i feel old, you can call me shub bh...."

"SHUBI, shubi, i can call you shubi right?"
Ishan said with so much innocent that made shubman laugh whole heartedly
He did really feel free with this new member of their second family
Shubman never get moment like those
And when he gets it his heart feels heavy to leave .

Shubman stop laughing when he feels someone poking his dimple

"Oh ohh OMG I am so sorry , iam sorry shubi for touching you without your permission"
Ishan don't know what happened to him but he got those sudden urge to poke those beautiful dimples so he did without any thoughts

"It's okay you cutie, you don't have to say sorry " shubman said finally piching ishan cheeks softly, for shubman's rug hands they feels so soft like marshmallow

Shy and shocked ishan get up hurriedly from his place his ears and cheeks turned more red like he is feeling cold but not he is feeling so hot, out of breath, shy, confused and what not
And why he is feeling this he don't know

"I think....i think ..i should go now aarya is waiting" ishan said as he try not look into those beautiful black eyes they make ishan
Hypnotize , he swear he had seen shubman before so many times but why this shubman look new to him, everything
Literally everything shubman do made ishan heart flutter

"Oh..o.. okay , go safely then" shubman said sadly but didn't show it, from past three weeks shubman had traine ishan and their those time was so beautiful to forgive
Ishan is quick learner shubman don't have to traine him strictly ishan is talented himself , shubman himself learn new things from ishan

Ishan can feel his heart running on inhuman speed just because shubman held his wrist stoping him,is he going to had heartattack ,no right? ishan have to play cricket and he wants to open with shubman,is he going to die before that ?

"Ishan I want to tell you something" the words are enough to made ishan's knees weak , what is happening with him ishan don't know

"Ye" shubman can feel something, something beautiful, but he don't want to pin point those feelings ,the way the boy before him blinking innocently,his lips almost in pout

" I am going" shubman said his voice small
Afraid that from past three weeks they have been together a friendship form between them and suddenly shubman will be gone almost for month

"So...this was our last practice session"

"Yes I have flight I was thinking about your panishment"
Shubman said quite in teasing voice trying to reduce the tention between them

"Shubiii~~~ i really really don't know how to Cook, you can give me other panishment right?"
It was challenged between them and shubman win and ishan's big mouth ,he said he would cook for him
And now here he is

" what about some instant noodles then"
Shubman said ,the shubman Gill who can't get over his Panjabi food asking for instance noodles that's quite shocking

"Okay then ,if you badly want uncooked instant noodles then come home in evening okay"ishan said excited about shubman's visit but forgetting something important

"Shub" the way shubman's eyes held contact with his own and his fingers around ishan's wrist is doing something to ishan

"Hmm"shubman can't stop looking at those beautiful doe eyes of ishan they are so expressive

"Bye" ishan said quietly shubman almost didn't hear him

"Bye ish" shubman said hugging ishan
Making ishan panicked ,it is their first hug
And first time shubman is this close to him so everything is making ishan feel some things that he don't know

" S .shubi my hand"

"What?"shubman said not in his sense, lost somewhere

"My hand"

"Ohh, iam sorry"finally leaving his hold
Shy ishan run towards aarya but for him to stop in mid way to take a last look at shubman
Waving his hand saying bye again
Then finally running into aarya 's arms
Hiding his face in aarya 's neck
So shy to face anyone,his eyes shut tightly, shy smile wasn't leaving from his lips, his heart running marathon in his chest, his hands tightly wrapped around aarya's waist

Aarya who understands everything
how he is going to tell all this to Ryan ?
Will Ryan understand?
There are so many questions in his mind but he keep them back of his mind for right now taking his precious baby in his embrace calming him
Aarya know ishan is overwhelming with feeling
How can he not know when he himself was like this when he fall in love with Ryan


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