It was a usual day. Summer, sunsine that it's turn shining hot, awesome warn weather. The girl was driving through the houses that were stand one by one to the Disneyland that are very far from her home to get rest after rough working day. She doesn't have nothing to earn money than helping in music, prodution it, ect but don't need to forget it's not very easy cuase too so now the vacation is advanse.
Leave the car in the parking a lot the girl headed straight to that an Amusion Park. Walking and take a waterlemon juice, all of a suddedn was calling the phone and picked up the phone and talking about someting the girl stop by in the centre of a lotta attractions but unexpect she encountered stranger tall, young, handsome man with blue eyes covered like an ocean and light blonde hair and her phone fall down on the ground out of her hands. ''Oh I'm sorry I don't wanted it to happens'', said man and raised girl's phone from the ground. He gave it back to her and apologized one more time she said It's okay. A lot of things like that have happened to her already. The man is smiled to her and she smile back. Then that man offered to go walk along if she don't mind and the girl said yes. When the day comes to the end the girl said she's would to go home.
- Don't you want I bring you back to your home? I can if you want., - Said man smiling his awesome smile.
- No thanks. I move here by my own car it stand in the parking a lot., - Was girl's answer.
- Okay. And one small question. Can I lead you to your place?
''What a Gentlemen? He's cute'', - thoughts girl after that said - Yes, you can.
When the goodbey had gone those two were goes their own roads. Come back home and coming in the girl can't let go thoughts about what was happening to her this day. Watches the clock it's 1 AM. ''Okay. I think it's time to have a snack and go to bed.'', - said girl to herself. After she did everything she move in the room but can't to fall asleep thinkig of that guy with whom they were meeting. Next morning was usual; same music work from 5 AM to 17:00 PM of afternoon then at home. Other days were gone like that until doesn't happen this.
Meanwhile same girl driving the car through the way home something unexpected goes wrong. Somewhat happened to her and the brake pedal has been sharp hitting. The car has stop. The street has been empty and almost no one was there becuase everyone were somewhhere or just at home but not so far from that ''wrong'' car's parking a lot passed man with the dog and seening hardly and strange machine stopping he move straight farward to this. In the minute the girl sit down inside and closed her face by her hands then put arms down on the rubber and sitting like that some minutes until does not hear the knock and rise the head up she watch on the window there were some kind of man with the dog there and this foced to scare the girl a litte but after hearing some words of what that man is not bandit or evil the girl has open the door.
- Hey are you okay? When I was passing here I saw that this car had been stopped suspectiously.
- Uh yes... Yes I'm good. Thank you. Just day was hard. Nothing bad.
- Okay that's sounds nice. And I'm sorry for that strange question and don't be afraid I know you. Can I drive your car? I don't want you drive this car 'cause you look not very good.
All these words that I heard by that guy shocked and surprised me at the same time and there have a lot of words we can to say yet but inside of myself I just got lost my voice and cannot to say nothing even if I wanted only nodded to him and he with his dog were sit into my car however he said before he is will driving the car. We has been come to nearbly kaffee where stopped for some time. The familiar man took food and drinks for us both then we were talks.
- Thanks... to you. If I saying it right you the one I stubbled on at Disneyland, yes?
- You're welcome. I was touched you - the guy smile - I'm sorry for that it was awkwardly but if it's happened this is destiny, isn't it? You can say nil I understand it. By the way my name is Dan Reynolds I'm singer.
- Image... Imagine Dragons? - the guy nodded - Oh that's sounds great! I heard your songs on the radio sometimes. I'm Emily. A normal girl who work with the music too but like a helper. And I'd like to know how your dog's name?
- This is Rocksy. He living with me for two years.
When we out of the kaffee Dan turn to me with another words like suggering but it's was like to go to him 'cause he has been living not so far considering that fact as he go walked with his animal friend and noticed how my car stopped. He was driving the car over again. When we were on the place the guy started show and tell where which the room is and what's there. His home was big, comfortable and amazing. After the roomtour he gave teatowel for have a shouder and did Emily's bed in the living room. That night has passed at his house. The things with girl's life has repeated. On the other day after overnight stay at Dan's house Emily got strange and unsually feeling and thoughts are like in that moment she found person she need so some weeks later she choose to move to him. Reynolds and Emily same works with their musical job but now they're live together and they were not like strangers anymore.