Chapter 5: The Pharaoh

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Adrien and Isabella watched Alya's video on the Ladyblog. "Hang on, because we're going for a ride. Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book, it's a tenth... grade history book. And I should know, because I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student, in real life?" The video ended.

"That's crazy! What are the odds that we have the same textbook? Maybe we even go to the same school!" Adrien said.

"I would hope not. That essentially means that we have an unstable person attending our school." Isabella commented.

"Don't you think you know her then?" Plagg asked as he ate his cheese. "Why bother yourself with ladies when you could be enjoying this?"

"For one, ladies smell about a thousand times better than that cheese and they're much better... looking." Adrien said, looking at Isabella, who hadn't realised that he was talking about her.

"Suit yourself. Your loss." Plagg shrugged, throwing his cheese in the air and catching it in his mouth.

"My only loss is my appetite." Adrien shuddered.

"Look!" Isabella said, making Adrien look at her. "The Louvre is having an Egyptian exhibit on Tutankhamun. Can we go?" She asked him.

He smiled at her. "Of course, we can."

Plagg looked at the images. "I remember that." He said.

Adrien and Isabella looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" Adrien asked.

"I remember that." He pointed to the exhibition. "I was active at that time with Tikki for her Ladybug at the time." Plagg paused.

"What's wrong, Plagg?" Isabella asked.

"I remember that Ladybug. My holder at the time, matched me perfectly, like I do with you." He looked at Adrien. "But the Ladybug now, reminds me of that Ladybug."

"What do you mean?" Isabella asked.

"Take me to the exhibition. I need to see it for myself. I only remember snippets at the moment, I'm hoping that by seeing the exhibition, I remember more."


"I'm so excited." Isabella jumped up and down as they arrived at the Louvre.

"I can tell." Adrien laughed.

"We're going to find something out about Plagg's past!" Isabella said.

"I know." Adrien nodded, grabbing her hand and walking beside her.

"Can you believe how careless Ladybug was?" Isabella asked. "I mean, all Alya has to do is find who owns that history book, because why else would someone have that book, and she figures out Ladybug's true identity."

"I mean why would you even have something that could identify you while fighting crime when you're meant to have a hidden identity." Adrien scoffed.

Just then, they heard familiar voices. "Because our school is the only school that uses that book! HA! So, all I have to do is find out which girl in tenth grade lost her history book last week. There are forty... three girls, not counting myself..." It was Alya.

"Forty... two! Not count you... or me." Marinette said.

"Hmm, yesterday somebody didn't have their textbook in class." Alya elbowed her.

"I actually hope Marinette isn't Ladybug." Isabella whispered, then paused. "But for some reason it makes sense."

"Uh... I left it at home. You know how I always forget my stuff." Marinette panicked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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