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"So today, we are going to check how much you had improved." Jungkook began to say while looking at the smaller who nod confusely. "But how?" The smaller ask, feeling nervousness rising up in his body.

"You and me fighting." As soon the words left Jungkook's mouth, Jimin's eyes widen and fill up with disbelief. The taller male stand in fighting position with a little smirk on his face as he look at the shocked male infront of his eyes.

"B- But it's not fair!" Jimin quickly says as soon he saw Jungkook standing in position to fight with him, getting nervous he backed away.

"What's not fair?" The taller male ask to which the smaller without waisting any second began to blabber. "Because you are so much experienced! And...and I'm still learning. I will easily fail from you and your also big and strong. Everything is unfair!" The smaller breath out heavily after saying all that in one go in a very fast speed.

"Yeah, big and strong. You're right, everything is unfair." The smirk widen on Jungkook's lips while Jimin's cheeks turn flushed red, soon realising how dirty this must had sounded infront of a prevent person like Jungkook.

"Don't worry, little one. I won't do anything to you. It's just you who's going to use the techniques on me, while I will just try to dodge them." Jungkook explains as he watch the smaller looking down in embarrassment with red cheeks. 

"What..What if I get injured?" The smaller says in low voice, still not looking at Jungkook. Trying to somehow make the other deny this idea of fighting.

"You think I will let that happen, that too right infront of my eyes?" God, can this male just not talk, like let the smaller have some normal heartbeats.

Jimin let out a low whin, turning his hands into fist and stood infront of jungkook with nervousness and uneasy feeling. "Please d-don't hit." He mumble to the taller male. "Never." saying this Jungkook also stood in position.

Soon Jimin began to throw punches but they were not of focus nor strength, which Jungkook with no effort dodge them. "Come on little one, I know you can do better." The taller male says as he watch the smaller pausing his movements.

"What if you get hurt?" He ask to the taller who just chuckle. "A little delicate flower like you could barely hurt me, gorgeous." Jungkook says to which jimin become offend. "Then don't blame me if you actually get hurt." The smaller warned, his cheeks and lips puffed out automatically in anger.

"Don't worry, we have hospitals." Jungkook laughed making jimin more angry, thinking the other one was making fun of his strength and thinks jimin is weak.

But that's not true, the taller male was just teasing him and complementing his beauty, lost in the fun that he failed to notice his words slipping out were offending smaller.

Jimin began to this time throw punches with anger making Jungkook amazed, as he dodged them. "Doing great, little one. But try to hit me. Make your movements faster." Jungkook says to which jimin try to throw a punch on the other face but failed. But didn't stop and at the same time try to hit Jungkook with his leg but the other one hold his arm and in split second made Jimin's back face him. Wrapping his arm around the smaller's waist from behind, easily lifting up the beauty up in the air, making jimin to gasp out surprised.

"Now how will you escape, little one?" Jungkook smirked, holding onto the smaller securely while jimin struggles in mid-air to free himself from the other male's grip.

Suddenly Jungkook hiss out a little when he felt a pain session on his arm, realizing jimin had pinched him and was now again struggling to get out of his grip.

"What type of technique is this, fighting beauty?" Jungkook ask, gentaly placing the smaller on the floor who quickly turn around and giggle as he watch the taller male rubbing his palm over his other arm where jimin had pinched.

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