Ch.3-New Encounters and... Pirates?!

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The duo reached Rustboro without much trouble, though they decided not to hang around for too long, Ari being antsy to keep exploring. They stopped there for the night, having decided to train a little while they were there (just incase they run into any trouble during future explorations), at the nearby gym (where Pokémon can practice skills and even have mock battles on the practice fields just outside town), and causing a surprise evolution for Willow. They headed towards the town exit the next morning while discussing what direction they wanted to head next.

That was until Willow spotted rustling in the bushes by the path just outside town and held a hand up to catch Ari's attention, causing the taillow to pause his ramblings as she pointed over to the sound. The two watched for a few moments before a young wingull hopped out of the bush, muttering to herself slightly agitatedly as she fluffed one of her wings to get the leaves out of it, her other wing drooping a bit on the ground with a clean scratch mark near the middle of it. Spotting the injury, Willow was quick to run over, worried for the bird, while Ari flew around a little to try and see if he could spot anyone else around. The wingull shifted to a defensive position when she spotted the duo, awkwardly lifting her wing and trying to fold it in as she hopped back slightly.
"Back off! I already chased yer matey off, and I'll deal with ye too if I have to!" She squawked at the team defensively, trying to keep an eye on their movements as she shifted to keep her injured wing behind her. Willow and Ari paused, glancing at eachother in confusion before turning back to the young bird. Ari tilted his head as he responded.
"What are you talking about?" He asked, fluttering as he landed by her carefully, causing the other to hop back away again, still watching him suspiciously, though a little less hostile than before.

"Look, I just saw that cut on your wing. It looked like it was bleeding, and you look a little banged up, I just want to help." Willow explained, taking a careful step forward with her hands up to try and get closer. "We've got no clue who you're talking about gal, but Willow's right, that injury needs treating." Ari added, looking around again as if trying to spot whoever it was this wingull had gotten in a fight with. The white and blue feathered 'mon watched skeptically for a moment before lowering her guard a little, turning to let Willow see her wing again. Willow took the chance and came closer, dropping her bag beside her and shifting a few things around before pulling out some bandages and turning back to examine the cut. As Willow started treating the cut, cleaning the little bit of blood from their new acquaintance's feathers before wrapping a bandage around carefully, the wingull glanced over at her bag, tilting her head as she spotted the team's exploration badge. She relaxed a little more after seeing that, glancing over at Ari again, who was still looking around the area, a little on edge.
"Sorry 'bout that, mates. Just been a bit on edge since I had to fight that mutt off, been tryna get back to me crew since yesterday." The young bird explained as Willow finished up treating her wing. "No worries, it doesn't hurt to be cautious." The grovyle responded with a light smile as she moved to put their supplies back in her bag. "I'm Willow, by the way, and that's my teammate, Ari." She added with a nod to her companion, who was now paying attention to the conversation again. "Well met! The name's Peeko, a member of Captain Briney's crew." Peeko bowed slightly as she introduced herself properly. "I thank ye for the assistance, matey, but I really best be getting back to me ship now." She added, starting to head forwards a little before pausing and glancing around herself again, starting to mumble a little. The exploration duo looked to eachother for a moment before nodding, and Ari flew over. "You need a hand with finding ya way back?" He asked, his usual grin on his face as he tilted his head. Peeko seemed to think for a moment before sighing. "That'd be mighty appreciated. I seem to 'ave gotten me-self turned around out here." She nodded. "The crew should be waitin' by the shore outside town, jus' not sure which side of town that would be." Ari tilted his head for a moment before Willow stepped in, already having the map she had been making notes on out, as well as a small notebook with a few location drawings in it that she had been working on. "If we head back to the other side of town, and follow this path down to here, it turns off there and leads down to the shore where boats can dock." The gecko spoke softly, half to the others and half to herself. "Sounds like a plan!" Ari chirped cheerfully. "We'll have you back there in no time." He added to Peeko with a grin. Peeko nodded, and the three set out towards the shore, having a light chat together as they did.

It took a little while before they reached the area they were headed to, but as they came up to the shore, it was easy to spot the ship and the other members of Peeko's crew. Before anyone could say anything, however, a loud squawk came from over by the other birds on the sand.
"PEEKO!" The call rang in the air as a large pelipper flew over, landing right before the trio (Peeko having been in the lead) and pulling the young wingull into a tight hug under his wings. "Oh, thank Kyogre ye're alright me little princess!" He exclaimed in relief. Peeko squeaked a little before pushing him back with her good wing. "Would ye relax, Pa. I can take care of me-self." She commented with a roll of her eyes as the older bird backed off a little. "Besides, I had this lovely duo keepin' me safe on me way back here. Even 'elped patch up me wing after that mutt caught it with their claws." She added with a nod to Team Mirage, causing the pelipper to turn his attention to the team.
"Thanks for protectin' me little girl on her way back to us, mateys." He dipped his head to them gratefully, as Willow rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly and responded. "I-it's no problem, really! We're just happy to help." She smiled a little nervously. Meanwhile, Ari's gaze was focused on the ship docked nearby, his emerald eyes sparkling with fascination and excitement.
"I'm Captain Briney of the SeaWing. If there's anything me crew an' I can do for ye youngsters, ya let us know." The Pelipper added to Willow. The gecko stuttered a little before shaking her head. "We couldn't possibly ask for anything. We're just happy to help." She replied lightly, causing Peeko to chirp a little disappointedly. "Oh c'mon, there must be somethin' we can do for ya, after ye helped me out an' all." The young wingull turned back to the duo, clearly not taking no for an answer. "Anythin' at all." She added, with a glance at Ari to see if he was listening. Willow fidgeted awkwardly before glancing to Ari, only to notice he wasn't paying attention. The grovyle rolled her eyes at her air-headed partner and gently flicked the back of his head to get his attention. The teal-feathered taillow shook his head and turned to her with mock indignation. "Hey-!" He stopped at the look Willow gave him, before she sighed. "You said you read about some odd caves out near Dewford, across the sea, right? The one's with those old paintings?" She asked Ari quietly. Ari nodded with a little flap of his wings. "Yeah! The book I was reading said they depicted some sort of old legend or something, why?" The bird tilted his head slightly as he asked his question, though Willow simply countered with another, glancing over at where Ari had been staring before. "You want to take a little boat trip?" The gecko raised a (non-existent) eyebrow at her companion, whose eyes instantly lit up and wings fluttered excitedly. "Can we? Can we?!" He repeated with a little hop, causing both Peeko and Willow to chuckle.
"If ye landlubbers be lookin' for a ride to Dewford Isle, I'm sure me Pa would be happy to let ye join us." Peeko chirped, with a look to Captain Briney behind her, who nodded. "'Course I would be. Peeko, you show yer new mates onto the ship, we'll set off once the rest o' the crew be ready, though it's gonna be 'bout a day's trip there." He explained before flying over to the other wingulls and pelipper to explain the plans. "Peeko waved the duo over before guiding them to the boat and helping them get settled, Ari looking around everything excitedly the whole time.

It wasn't long before the ship set out, and Willow and Ari were left to sit by while the crew handled their duties, except Peeko, since her dad wouldn't let her help with her injuries. The duo sat and chatted for a while before Peeko came to join them, and Ari got to ask her something he had been wanting to ask for a little while.
"Who was it that attacked you, anyways?" Peeko glanced at her wing for a moment before shaking her head. "Some poochyena with a blue an' white bandana, didn't get a name from 'em. 'Kept askin' me about some 'magic orb' or whatever they called it, no clue what they were on 'bout." She explained, shaking her head. "No need to worry though, I gave 'em what for. Shouldn't 'ave them comin' and bothering me or the crew again." She added with a smirk.
Willow, Ari and Peeko continued to sit together and talk as they watched the waves pass by, Ari getting distracted by the views every few minutes and Willow sketching a few of the things she saw in her notebook as they waited to arrive on Dewford Isle.

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