The Karmas

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During the Nine tails attack, Kushina gave birth to Menma and Naruto, with Menma being born first. Sadly Kushina died from the Kyuubi's extraction and from Naruto's birth. Minato did the Reaper Death Seal on him and Menma and entrusted Lord Third to take care of them both and for them to live a good life. Except only one of them have it easy, Menma has the most glorious life.

Menma is considering a hero because of holding the Kyuubi and keeping the village safe while ignoring Naruto. Everyone thought of Naruto as useless because of not being able to hold the Kyuubi and hated him because of Kushina's death after his birth. While Menma has friends and being respected by the village, Naruto had nothing. No friends, no love, and no respect. The only good thing Naruto has is that he can live in the same house as Menma but since he gets more affection and love than Naruto, his ego grew to where he doesn't care about Naruto. But in one faithful day, Naruto would get everything he would ever want.

Naruto is seen walking through the village and has been getting hateful glares. He tries to ignore it but sees his brother hanging with his friends. He went to the forest at night to clear his mind as he says that the calmness of the forest makes him calm. That was until he hears a painful groan.

Naruto: huh?! Who's there?!

He didn't get an answer, only painful groans. Naruto, even though he was scared, ventured further until he reached where the noises came from and see a pale, white man with a horn that goes around his head, lying beside a tree. That didn't bother him too much, what bothered him was that the man was missing his lower body.

Naruto: s-sir?! (Runs up to him) what happened?! Are you ok?!

???: that traitor! Arg! (Looks to the right and sees Naruto) hmph, perfect.

The stranger tries to reach for Naruto's neck but was interrupted by two voices behind him.

??? 2: hey back away! That's my vessel!

???: huh? (Looks to where he heard the voice) Momoshiki? Urashiki? What are you doing here?!

Naruto looked at the scene with confusion

Momoshiki: what are we doing here? What are you doing here, Isshiki? Last we heard was that traitor backstabbed you and that's it. That was until Urashiki here said that you went forward in time and now we are here.

Isshiki: that doesn't matter now, I will have my revenge as soon as I make this boy my vessel.

Urashiki: what boy? He left just a bit ago.

Isshiki: what?! (Turns to see Naruto gone) you fools! Rah! (Uses the last of his strength to find Naruto and put a Karma on him)

Momoshiki: hey get back here! That boy is mine! (Chases after Isshiki)

Urashiki: wait! I want that boy to be my vessel! (Chases after both of them)

Naruto has been running for a little bit and was getting a little tired. As he thought that he got a fair distance away, he turned back but all he saw was Isshiki, Momoshiki, and Urashiki ramming into him before he blacked out.

Naruto soon woke up and shielded his eyes from the sun.

Naruto: (gets up and grabs his head) what ... happened? Huh? (Looks at his right hand) what is that?

Naruto saw two diamond shape, black things on his right palm. He went to touch it with his left hand but sees the same thing on his left palm but it's only one.

Naruto: what in the world?

Naruto got up and started walking back to the village but stumbled upon one of the civilians.

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