chapter four

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Lauren's POV

I felt rays of sunshine on my whole body and then I started wondering if last night was real or if it was just my imagination and it created a dream like this. After I'd I heard my mom whistle one of his favorite songs, I realized that the night was, in fact, real. I still couldn't believe it. I was so used to the monotony and dullness of my life, that our happiness felt incredibly surreal.

I decided to get up, because I didn't want to waste another minute of today. I looked at the clock and it was past 11. 

Woah, I don't remember sleeping this long, since it was always around 8 when I had to force my mom to eat or at least drink some juice.

Hold up, was it the smell of pancakes that I felt? Mom made breakfast?

I jumped out of bed and stormed out of the room. She made breakfast indeed. I noticed her come out of her room. She smiled at me and I ran up to hug her.

"Hi, mommy! You made pancakes!!"

"Hey there. Yes, I did.", she laughed wholeheartedly.

I couldn't stop blurting out whatever came to my mind. "That's awesome! How'd you sleep? Can we go eat now? I'm starving. How are you feeling?"

"Honey! Slow down, huh? Don't forget to breathe.", she smiled slightly and added "You can go eat, but I have to do something first. I slept alright, I woke up like an hour ago and I'm feeling good! Yourself?"

"Did you know what time it is? It's past 11! I slept fine, as you can probably tell. I'm feeling even better. What are you up to?"

"That's great to hear. I was about to call Sinu, the woman from therapy."

"Right! Call her now." After I'd said it, I hurried to the bathroom, I really needed to pee.

The smell of pancakes was still lingering in the hallway, so I walked to the kitchen. On my way there I saw mom sitting in my dad's old office, holding her cell phone and a piece of paper. Confusion and annoyance were written all over her face.

The pancakes can wait, I have to know what's going on.

"Hey, is there something wrong?"

"Sort of... I'm sure I have the right number, but I think it's my phone's fault. I barely know anything about those things. Can you help?"

I tried dialing the number, it didn't work. I called my number, too. The same thing happened.

"I don't know what happened. I'm going grocery shopping later, so I'll go to the man who repaired Taylor's phone once. I'll get mine now and we'll try again."

Mom waited patiently and when I got there, I sat next to her on the sofa.

"Actually, would you mind calling her yourself? I don't know how your phone works and,", she seemed hesitant, I waited for her to tell me about the thing that was bothering her. "well, I think I'm a bit scared. Do you think you could call her, introduce yourself as my daughter and then pass me the phone if she still wants to talk to me?"

"Of course, mom. There's no need to worry. Yesterday she looked really friendly, I'm sure everything will be just fine."

I dialed the number and waited for the woman to pick up. A few seconds passed and an incredibly delicate but also raspy voice responded.


"Uh, hi. Is it...", I looked at my mom panicked, because I've forgotten the woman's name again.

"Sinu Cabello!", my mom whispered.

"Hi! Is it Sinu Cab-?", I asked, sounding more confident this time, but was cut off by the voice on the other side.

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