1~ You're hot

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Niall: Hey babe you looked so hot!

Babe: Emmm who's this.

Niall: what do you mean we just met about ten minutes ago.

Niall: don't tell me you forgot all ready :(

Babe: sorry I think you got a false number that just so happened to be mine lol

Niall: OMG sorry I didn't mean for this to happen

Babe: who does ;)

Niall: well what's you're  name

Niall: I'm Niall

Babe: Harry

Niall: oh okay so I'll just go change your contact name

Harry: why what was it before

Niall: babe

Harry: haha Oh My God

Niall: yeah yeah I thought you were a hot guy okay

Harry: who says I'm not

Niall: I know you're not

Harry: (attached picture)( picture on the side or above)

Niall: woah

Harry: ha I told you

Niall: you're hot

Harry: thanks

Niall: let's play 20 questions

Harry: no I want a picture of you

Niall: ermmmm maybe another time

Harry: fine first question. What's you're name

Niall: you already know that

Harry: you know what I mean

Niall: haha, Niall James Horan, you

Harry: Harry Edward Styles

Niall: hot name to match a hot face

Harry: you are way too confident

Niall: it's a blessing and a curse

Niall: what are you're turn ons

Harry: a bit forward but ok

Niall: yeah I like to get straight to the point, you'll get used to it

Harry: tattoos,leather jackets,lip rings,piercings,motorbikes anything like that

Harry: oh and blond hair I love blond hair and the Irish accent

Niall: I love glasses, curls, dimples, innocents the good boy type

Harry: you just described me btw

Niall: you did the same to me so

Harry: what turns you off a person

Niall: when people don't take care of the way they look and smell really bad all the time it annoys me so much

Harry: is that all

Niall: yeah what about you

Harry: smoking, well not smoking in general but smoke breath and the smell of it on clothes revolts me,alcohol,drugs and same as you people who smell

Niall: well I don't smoke cuz of my father dying of lung cancer and I swore to never do that to my body and I would never touch so much as a joint in my life and I only drink occasionally so

Harry: I'm the same, next question

Niall: are you gay

Harry: well would you look at the time I'll talk to you tomorrow see ya Niall

Niall: no please I didn't mean to offend  you, I'm sorry

Niall: please Harry talk to me

Niall: fine I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow, goodnight Harry

Seen 9:56pm

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