7~ Kisses & Fights

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Harry: you're better than I imagined <3

Niall: and you're even better.

Harry: you were my first kiss btw

Niall: really I thought guys would be lining up to kiss you or date you.

Harry: nope you're my first kiss and hopefully my last kiss.

Niall: you're amazing you know that.

Harry: no I'm not you're just saying it to make me feel good.

Niall: you are the most amazing person I've ever met and I will not stop until you believe it.

Harry: you have a long job to do so.

Niall: and I'll do it with pleasure. Dork.

Harry: there's one thing I forgot to tell you yesterday though.

Niall: and what's that?

Harry: I will do almost everything you tell me to

Niall: what do you mean

Harry: well I have this obedience thing where I have to do what I'm told and I can't not do it, to certain limits obviously

Niall: oh. Don't worry I'll be careful around you.

Harry: I know I'm WERID but it's just the way I was brought up so I can't change it.

Niall: it's really okay

Harry: please just never make me do something I don't want to do.

Niall: why would I do that

Harry: bc everyone does.

Niall: I wouldn't do it

Harry: please don't get angry with me.


Harry: see now your shouting. You're scaring me. Stop

Niall: IM NO- I'm not shouting okay

Harry: this always happens when I tell anyone about this

Niall: maybe bc it's fucking WERID!!!!

Harry: I knew this would fucking happen. This is why I only tell people I trust. You betrayed me

Niall: at least I'm not a freak

Harry: so that's you think of me. Great. Thanks for taking everything, my first kiss, my first date, my first love just to throw it all back in my face. I'm crying my eyes out bc if you.

Niall: go tell someone who cares bc I don't


Niall: stop with the pity act and go fuck yourself

Harry: okay.......

Niall: OMG Harry that wasn't me. It was my dickhead friend. Please talk to me.

Niall: Harry please

Niall: well I guess this is goodbye then. Thanks for a great day today and I'll always love you. Have a nice life. I'll miss you every second of mine

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Tears, tears, tears and more tears. This actually hurt to write. The thing I do fir you guys.

Bye and I love you all.




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