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Servent : While driving he see's  a  graveyard and stops his car near that graveyard and enters and went near a grave and kept a red wine bottle which was filled with blood he starts talking to the 🪦,

You know what happened today, today your iligmate child (referse to July) who you adore is coming next to you, didn't i told you to not let her enter the house of ours which belongs to the blood, you might be thinking why our palace is called blood bloom because we are not like you un grate full , jealousy, two faced humans

we are vampire' home is our first mother, though you are cunning humans we vampire's are the grand  children's of death we make the death -alive or make a living beings dead ,we are too bad right 😟 or too good 😁 after talking for sometime he again left from their in his car he was increasing his car speed again and again and then 💥🚗
The car got crashed with a truck and cought fire

Well you might be thinking who might i be right and what and why is this happening lets begin from starting day's

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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