Father of a daughter

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The soft click of the bedroom door shutting behind Siya signaled Parth's turn to visit their daughter.

He found Siya perched on the window seat, gazing out at the faint glow of the celebratory fireworks painting the night sky. A melancholic smile played on her lips.

"Thinking about our little Ashnoor?" Parth asked, sitting beside her.
Siya chuckled, a bittersweet note in her voice. "It feels like just yesterday she was a tiny tot, demanding piggyback rides everywhere."

Parth's own smile widened as he reminisced. "Remember when she insisted on wearing her ballet shoes to school? Principal Sharma wasn't too thrilled."

Siya laughed, a soft chime that echoed in the stillness of the room. "And who had to convince him it wasn't part of the uniform? You, of course, with your persuasive charm."
Parth shook his head, a playful glint in his eyes. "Someone had to champion the aspiring ballerinas "

They fell into a comfortable silence, a tapestry of memories woven between them. Parth recalled the countless times Ashnoor would come running to him, a scraped knee or a broken toy demanding his immediate attention. Siya recounted the nights spent reading her daughter bedtime stories, Ashnoor's tiny hand curled around hers, her big brown eyes filled with wonder.

"She used to call me for everything," Siya said finally, a touch of wistfulness in her voice. "From math problems to boy troubles."

"She still does," Parth corrected gently. "Just in a different way now. Remember that call last week about the Rajawat project?"

Siya smiled. "Of course. Though a complex business deal doesn't quite hold the same charm as a lost teddy bear."
"True," Parth conceded, a chuckle escaping his lips. "But it shows she trusts us, relies on our advice."

A thoughtful silence descended upon them once more. Finally, Siya spoke, her voice laced with a hint of worry. "Do you think she'll be happy, Parth? This arranged marriage…"

Parth squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We can't predict the future, Siya. But Ashnoor's a bright girl. She wouldn't have agreed to this if she didn't see some potential."

"I know," Siya sighed. "It's just… different from what we envisioned for her."
Parth nodded, understanding the weight of her unspoken concerns. "It is," he said softly. "But sometimes, the greatest love stories bloom in the most unexpected gardens."

He looked at Siya, his gaze filled with conviction. "We raised a strong, independent woman, Siya. She'll navigate this new chapter with grace and courage. And if there's even a flicker of something real with this Ishan, we should trust her to nurture it."

Siya met his gaze, a flicker of hope rekindled in her eyes. "You're right, Parth. We have to trust her."

They sat in companionable silence for a while longer, the weight of their unspoken love and pride for their daughter filling the room.

As the first rays of dawn peeked through the window, casting a soft glow on their faces, they knew that no matter what path Ashnoor chose, their love and support would be her constant companion.

This new chapter in their daughter's life might be uncharted territory, but with her parents by her side and the embers of a genuine connection with Ishan, they were confident she would write a story that was uniquely her own.

After this they slept.

The crisp morning air carried the faint scent of jasmine and marigolds, a telltale sign of the impending wedding festivities.

Inside the house, a symphony of activity unfolded – the clatter of utensils, the excited chatter of women preparing sweets, and the rhythmic thrum of devotional music.

Yet, for Parth, a quiet solitude echoed in his heart.
He stood in his daughter's empty room, a place that still held the faint ghost of her laughter, the lingering scent of her childhood perfume.

A single glance at the worn teddy bear on the armchair, its stuffing escaping through a torn seam, sent a wave of emotions crashing over him.

He remembered Ashnoor as a little girl, a whirlwind of energy with pigtails that bounced as she ran. He saw her tear-stained cheeks after a scraped knee, her infectious giggles during pillow fights, and the fierce determination in her eyes as she declared her dream of becoming a CEO one day.

Memories, vivid and poignant, cascaded through his mind – her first day of school, the wobbly bicycle rides, the countless bedtime stories he read with a voice thick with affection. Time, it seemed, had stolen away his little girl, replacing her with a poised, confident woman on the precipice of a life-altering event.

He picked up a framed photo from the nightstand. It captured a younger Ashnoor, her bright smile illuminated by the birthday cake candles. A single, fat tear escaped his eye, tracing a path down his cheek. It wasn't sadness, not entirely. It was a poignant mix of pride and a bittersweet understanding that his daughter, his little Ashnoor, was all grown up.

He sank onto the edge of her bed, the familiar springs groaning slightly under his weight. Today, she would become someone else's wife, embarking on a journey that would no longer revolve solely around him and Siya. A pang of loneliness tugged at his heart, but it was quickly replaced by a surge of protectiveness.

He envisioned Ashnoor standing at the altar, radiant in her wedding saree. He imagined the way her eyes would shine, a reflection of the same hopeful spark that resided in his own daughter's eyes years ago. His job now, he realized, was to guide her not as he had before, but as she embarked on this new chapter.

Taking a deep breath, Parth wiped away the stray tear. He wouldn't let his emotions cloud this momentous occasion. He would smile, he would offer his blessings, and he would be there for Ashnoor, his little girl, now and forevermore.

A knock on the door startled him from his reverie. It was Siya, her eyes holding a similar mix of emotions. Without a word, she slipped into the room, settling beside him on the bed. She didn't need to ask, she simply understood.

Together, they sat in comfortable silence, enveloped by the bittersweet memories of their daughter's childhood. In that shared space, their love for Ashnoor, fierce and unwavering, provided a quiet solace.

As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the window, casting a warm glow on the room, Parth knew with a newfound certainty that while his role might change, his love for his daughter would remain the constant thread that would forever bind them. The wedding might signify a new beginning, but the love they shared, that would be a story that would continue to unfold, a testament to the enduring bond between a father and his daughter.

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