Chapter 10

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I slightly bowed to all four of them as I became solid again. Very good Bill, that is usually the hardest thing to learn.

Now, as I said, all the four races are going to help with this problem. As we speak, four fleets from all four planets are preparing to depart.

Do you have any idea what we will be facing? I asked.

From what all of us have felt, their supreme leader has deemed the earth a major threat. They also think that humans could become a source of food for them. From all we have seen, they have bred a new soldier.

At present, we have seen just over two million in the first hatching. They also have at least a million ships. Far more than the last race had.

I just hope that the new abilities I now have will save us, I said as the other four nodded, then they faded as I awoke.

I sat there after I woke up for a few minutes. Two million? In just the first hatching? They obviously thought that we were more than a major threat.

I wasn't sure that I really wanted to inform our new allies. I wasn't really feeling all that well myself.

I knew that as soon as I showed the least amount of emotion, some of them would be all over me. I sighed. I wasn't really feeling up to trying to explain all that I had just seen and heard.

I knew that my daughters would take it as a more than serious threat. Yeah, I thought they might be right in that assumption.

I wondered the4n both my daughters started in on me. "Ok dad, what has happened now?" The both said as they stood in front of me.

I sighed, I should have known that they'd sniff it out before I opened my mouth.

So I turned to them and tried to do what I once was a master at, lie. "Not all that sure," I said, though both of my daughters had a non-believing look on their faces.

"Talk to us Dad, what in the hell is going on?" Trina asked me.

I was a little shocked by the fact that they had seen through me. Then there was the fact that the four races had shown me who they were. I was wondering if I should tell my girls or not,

I only thought a few moments, then decided, "I was just introduced to all of the four races. They said that we are about to face an extremely large invasion by the Xetrons."

Trina's eyes narrowed as she looked at her sister, then me, "just how large are we talking about?" Trina asked.

"I was told over a million ships in just the first wave. The Xetrons consider us to be an extremely dangerous threat," I said.

Both Trina and Bell's as well as Alice's mouths dropped open.

"An extremely dangerous threat? Please explain this to us, dad. You know, those that don't have the ear of the other four races," Bell said sarcastically.

"Just know that we don't have much time to find more and train. At least with most of their agents defeated, they might be easier to find. We are at what twenty-six? I wish we had twice that," I told them.

All three of them watched as I started to increase all our levels. I had everyone a lot higher except for my daughters and Alice.

At least none of them had had a visit from any of th four races yet. That I wasn't sure if I had enough power to help. They were at least pretty powerful as they were.

I continued to look for others, plus now all of them were now capable of, as I called it, thought shifting.

By the end of the week, we had added another ten, making us at a strength of thirty-six. I still had a bad feeling that we needed more though.

Also, during this time, I had been working on their endurance. Most could keep up strong attempts for a few hours. That was all and good if we were facing the first race. I felt that this new threat was going to fall far short.

I had just gotten back having found and convinced another four to join us. I had already worked them up to just past alien influence level. I sat to rest a moment, when I had another 'visit'.

I looked around as all four of the aliens I had met before were lit up. "Greetings," Xeinther the Bellion that we had first met appeared. "We," here the other three race representatives appeared. "We are here to welcome the three new members."

I stared slightly confused, 'til a vision of Trina, then Bell followed by Alice appeared.

All three of the females were looking around confused 'til they saw Xeinther, well my daughters anyway.

Welcome, Xeinther thought, then continued along the same lines as he had with me.

I looked at them, then at the three females that were close to me. So, you see why I was the way I was? I thought to all three of them.

They were all still somewhat in shock and only managed to nod their heads. Xeinther and the rest of them turned their attention towards me.

We have launched the fleets. Unfortunately, not all of us have light travel, some won't arrive for a week of your time, Xeinther said.

What of the Xetron's fleet? I asked.

It has started its advance upon your planet. I am afraid that they will arrive a whole rotation of your planet, before all the fleets, Xeinther said.

So you're saying that we're going to have to hold against them a whole day? I only have four at this strength, the rest are strong, yes, but no where near strong enough, I told them.

The four of you are strong enough, your power and determination is far more than you think, Xeinther thoughts said.

This, of course, shocked my daughters and Alice. Wait, you mean to tell me that the four of us are enough for this problem? Why, am I not convinced that this is factual, Trina thoughts said with her arms crossed over her chest.

The other three of the four races gave me looks and made noises. Then the liquid being, Kanderith of the Berunithen got my attention. This is a female of your race? I nodded as he slightly shook part of its liquid. It is apparent that females or their equals are the same across the five races.

At first, I thought that he was kidding, then I felt that its thoughts were dead serious. So, it is the same with all the other races?

I had all of them look toward me, then I felt them all confirm this was true. I could only shake my head, so the mother aspect is prevalent in all five races.

Again, I felt all the other four look at me, then confirmed this fact.

You know, father, as you said, it isn't nice to talk about someone while they are standing there. This time it was Bell that had her arms crossed on her chest. Thing is, Alice was standing there with a disapproving look on her face too.

I finally looked at the other four, might I suggest that we discuss all this with them? If they are as strong as you say they are, then they need to know, I thought.

Xeinther only thought for a moment then launched into all the info he'd told me the other day. As I said, came his thoughts, the four of you have the power to hold them. Though I am afraid that Bill is the only one that has the experience. Would you like us to gift you with the knowledge to fight them?

Alice almost immediately started to nod her head. Anything that I can do to aid Bill, I want to, we have become closer. I wish to help as much as I can.

I looked at both my daughters, not really surprised when both of them were hesitant. I looked at th other four representatives, not knowing if this would upset everything or not.

I do not expect either one of you to just walk into this unprepared or unknowledgeable. I just got the both of you back. I am not about to ask either of you to make that sacrifice.

Both Trina and Bell were suddenly staring at me like I had two heads. Dad, for both of us there is no other thing to do. We wish to fight with you, as a part of your team. To both of us, there is nothing that would make us prouder, came Trina's thoughts.

I am not about to let you go off and fight when I have the strength to help you. We are both far stronger than you think, came Bell's thoughts.

I then felt Alice's hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at her. What I saw, had my mouth falling open, there in front of me was the exact vision of my deceased wife! I jumped, what in the hell?

Now, now Bill, that's no way to talk to me. It was then that I noticed that both my daughters were staring at her too.

Mom? I heard the thoughts of both of them. Then I saw both of them rush over to hold her close.

Oh my girls, how I have missed you, let me look at you. You've become so powerful, just like your father. Now let me talk to him for a few minutes, OK? They both let her go through they didn't really want to.

She then walked to me and kissed me a smoldering hot kiss like I used to remember. Then I noticed the look of sadness in her eyes.

I started to nod right then I knew you, aren't really here. You also can't really stay, for some reason I knew. I then turned to look at the others of the four races. Why? This is almost debilitating. I sighed, I thank all of you for this gift, though I wish I could have her stay, I know better.

We did not wish to sadden you nor make it so that your mind is hampered. Almost all other races find this to be something that can make them stronger, apologies. Though now that the spirit energy is in Alice's container, she will retain many of its aspects.

I looked at Xeinther, shaking my head. So Alice will be a lot like Shemie? Is this from her or modified in Alice? I do not want Alice to lose who she is, even, here I paused feeling the pain. Even if she is almost exactly like Alena.

Xeinther and the others had looks of horror on their faces. No Bill, we would not deny the existence of Alice. We added much of Shemie to Alice, we did not take any of the spirit that is Alice.

I could feel all of the four and the terrible feelings they were feeling about this.

I then turned toward Alice/Shemie. I am not sure how I can love her and you at the same time, I thought.

I saw the vision of Shemie smile the same quirky smile that she always did to me.

We have missed you, though I know that it isn't really you. Just to have a piece of you back, will be a blessing in disguise, I thought to her.

I then turned back to the other four races. We will do all that we can to hold them off. I have almost double what we had against the Fleetcons, I thought.

This is true though you four have many times the amount of power. Unfortunately, the Xetrons have a good deal more that will attack at one time than the Fletecons. They will act as one unit, so destroying a part of them won't slow nor stop them.

So, this knowledge you give them, will improve our battle against them? I asked.

It should, it might also help all of you to act as a single weapon. As one, all of you will be much more powerful than you would singularly.

Wait. I thought. You mean that we will be synced, sharing thoughts and ideas?

Yes, Xeinther replied as if it wasn't anything,

OK, I started. We might have a problem there. We humans, well, most of our race, have a problem losing even a bit of ourselves. We are about the only ones that might be able to accomplish what you are talking about. Even then, because of our individuality, we may have a problem.

All four of the races could only stare at us. What we were saying was something that was completely unknown to them.

Xeinther was staring the hardest, we had been to his world. We thought they had dissected the way we thought, the way we were. I could see that now? They really didn't have that much of a clue about humans.

I looked at Xeinther, I could see that he was more confused than I remember seeing him before. Then he started to nod his head, yes, I can see how this is a problem. He then reached out, touching all our foreheads. There, that should help greatly.

I looked at him slightly confused as I started to ask what in the hell did you do? I also noticed that we were back in the house before I got all the words out.

Most of the other thirty-six that were with us were staring at us.

"Bill you OK?" Andy asked me. "You suddenly stopped moving and talking. We were worried that they had gotten you."

"No," I started. "You might say that we were having a little class with the other four races. It seems that we four have moved beyond normal humans. We are, well, I, so far, am now like they are."

I had almost all of them there staring at me. "Just what are you talking about," Tom asked.

That's when I astonished them as well as myself. I concentrated, then felt my body start to grow lighter, then I was floating off the floor as energy!

I looked at those there, all of them had their mouths hanging open. Though I think that when I floated to the floor and solidified they were more astonished.

"Dad!" Both Trina and Bell were shouting. They both breathed out in relief when I was myself again.

"Christ Dad! You trying to scare the hell out of us?" Bell said.

I just smirked a bit, "no, not what I was going for. All of you wanted to see exactly what I meant so, see? Besides, I believe from what I was told, the three will be able also soon."

Alice and Trina were shaking their heads' no, while I was nodding yes.

"Not really sure that I want to be floating around as a cloud or ball of energy," Trina said.

I smirked at her, "it's not that bad, hon," I said. This, of course, got her staring at me with an odd look.

She shook her head as she slightly turned away. "Yeah Dad, I kind of agree with her. Not all that thrilled not being human, plus not knowing if I can really control it," Bell spoke up.

"Yeah," I said. "Though it is a real time saver getting to other places like planets."

"Still though, are you really safe traveling like that?" Alice asked.

I thought about it for a moment, then I nodded as I could see it from their point of view.

"All I know is that if I don't want it, I don't think that I can be harmed," I said.

All three of them just shook their heads as they walked over to the rest of the people there.

I looked over the other thirty-six, they were strong though nothing like the four of us. They needed to be stronger, especially the newest four.

I started in on them as soon as I could. I had seen too many die the last time. I wanted everyone to survive though. I had a sinking feeling that it wasn't going to happen.

An hour later, I had all of them high enough to resist the Xetrons. Then again I thought about it, did I really. I had been told that this new bunch that the Xetrons had were far stronger. I had a week. I had to get them all ready before we started to detect them.

I looked at all of us. I knew that me, my daughters and Alice were more than high enough. It was the others that I was worried about. What if I failed them? I was wishing that I could measure just how strong the new ones were.

I was suddenly energy again as I was flying far faster than I could believe. It seemed only seconds before I was floating above an extremely hot and bright world.

What the hell I thought, that is 'til I saw a huge number of Xetrons that we had faced before. I was descending far faster than I thought I could survive.

I was afraid that I was dead when I stopped above a huge area filled with huge vats. I wasn't there but for a few moments when I heard what could only be alarms going off.

A huge number of Xetrons appeared with weapons, then started to fire at me. I crossed my arms in front of me, amazed when all the energy shots bounced back.

OK, I thought as I waved a hand and all of them dropped. Several dozen even larger Xetrons appeared, meeting the same fate. That's when two extremely huge Xetrons appeared, funny when they tried to swat me, they just passed through.

Again, I swept a hand in front of me, watching them fall just as fast. That's when I felt rather than saw what felt like a huge contingent of misshapen Xetrons coming at me.

I swept my hand across all that I felt coming toward me, satisfied when they fell. The problem is, there were even more of them that were behind them. I swept again, taking out at least a hundred more. This time I kept it up, taking them out as fast as they appeared.

I felt a very powerful Xetron appear above me as I managed to push a wave of energy toward it. The satisfying crunch and screech I heard had me smiling. I then had to put more energy into taking out what appeared to be a horde.

I had bodies piling up still trying to get a measure of their power. Finally, I had all that I thought I needed, then thought of being back in my house.

I swore that I was snapped back with a rubber band, somewhat faster than my trip out to that planet. As I hit my house, I swear that I was going to get whiplash when I suddenly stopped within an inch of the floor.

Holy shit I thought, how long was I gone? It seemed that no one had missed me at all. I suddenly solidified back in the spot I had been in when this started.

I sat going into semi-meditation. I wasn't sure as I had to wait for the others to appear. A few moments later, they started to appear, with Xeinther being the first.

Bill? I felt your distress what happened? Have they arrived sooner than we thought?

No, I had something happen to me that I need to talk to all of you about, I thought. I know that most of you can travel as energy, though I didn't think I could. It might be easier if I show you. If that is possible?

All four of them nodded in their way, then sat quiet for a moment. A few moments later they were all gasping as they watched what had happened with my little trip.

I was also quiet as I was afraid that they were going to be angry with me. Once what I had seen was finished, they all four turned toward me.

I sighed now, I guess I was about to get yelled at among other things.

Bill, how long were you gone? Xeinther asked.

I thought a moment then told him only a few of my minutes. Xeinther's eyes got large, then he said, can you appear next to me? I thought a moment then said I could try.

I looked at Xeinther and thought about it, then I was beside him, what the hell was going on?

Xeinther was surprised then asked me to bring him to earth, I shrugged, then we were there. He then asked me to go to the other three representatives. Again I shrugged and both of us appeared next to the water being. Then we appeared next to a shocked praying Mantis being. The last the fish being was as shocked as I was.

I then appeared with Xeinther back in his world, then I left for mine. I discovered that each time I was moving far faster.

I could see that all of them were shocked. I thought that all of you could do this, I thought.

All four of them shook their heads or equivalent, still a little shocked about what I had done.

What!? I thought, I have seen you come here ... I started.

Bill, Xeinther thoughts interrupted me. What you did hasn't been done in a very long time. What you see when I am there is an energy representation of me. What you took to the other worlds was my actual being.

I looked at the other three beings apologizing for invading their worlds. All of them were actually happy that I had done what I had.

Bill, what we all witnessed was history, no one has seen what you did in eons.

Xeinther said suddenly, "by the way, that last huge Xetron that you hurt? I believe that was the Xetron supreme leader. Also, we counted several thousand of the new warriors that you destroyed.

I could only stare at him with my mouth open.

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