Chapter 1 The Brown Raccoon

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One blue night all of the creatures where sleeping under the full moon but then someone called out "Hello!" all of the creatures woke up and they looked around until they heard it again "Hello!" Jeffrey was first one to see it, there in the forest was a plump raccoon Jeffrey immediately called out to the raccoon "What do you need!?" the raccoon then stepped out and said "I'd Like to stay the night here sir you see I came from a long way just to get here!" Jeffrey then asked the raccoon "Why do you have any money!?" the raccoon then said "Yes I do indeed!" the raccoon putted something into Jeffrey's claw when Jeffrey opened his claw he found a bunch of leaves, he told the raccoon "These are just a bunch of leaves!" but then the leaves instantly turned into dollars so then Jeffrey said in amazement "Sweet fangs you are quite the money maker I had no idea that you can change leaves into money, why you're a

natural!" so Jeffrey decided to let the raccoon stay the night Jeffrey called out to Linda when Linda went outside Jeffrey said to her "Please give our guest some milk and make it snappy!" Linda tiredly said "Alright Jeffrey

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natural!" so Jeffrey decided to let the raccoon stay the night Jeffrey called out to Linda when Linda went outside Jeffrey said to her "Please give our guest some milk and make it snappy!" Linda tiredly said "Alright Jeffrey." as Linda went back into the Cabin Jeffrey asked the raccoon "Do you turn leaves into money all the time because I sure can use something like that!?" the raccoon replied "No you see I turn money into leaves, why if I actually did turn leaves into money then by the time I'm gone they'll just turn back into leaves!" everyone was quite surprised Jeffrey then asked the raccoon "What kind of a raccoon are you not only are you magical but you don't look like any normal raccoon who I have seen and I've seen plenty of raccoons to know what they look like!?" the raccoon then said "I am a Brown Raccoon and I come from Japan, and as you saw I am magic but I don't just turn objects into other things I can also turn myself into other things as well!" everyone were so impressed then the brown raccoon started to say "Oh and allow me to introduce myself my name is Taloo!" all of the creatures introduced themselves to Taloo, suddenly Jeffrey had an evil idea he gave Taloo a leaf and said "I'd like you to turn this leaf into a dollar!" so Taloo did exactly that then when Linda came out with a bottle of milk Jeffrey said "Thank you Linda here's a dollar for a job well done!" Linda was really overwhelmed with joy she never thought that this day would come she ran back into the Cabin to put it somewhere safe but as soon she was in the Cabin she was quite baffled when she saw the dollar turn into a leaf meanwhile the four pears where all laughing as Jeffrey said "Boy if only I where there to see the look on Linda's face she really thought that she was getting paid, why we never even pay her!" Daisy, The Candle Holder, Coopy, Lilly, and Florine all saw that happen they all obviously felt terrible for poor Linda, however Manly shouted "That trick was amazing my if only I had magical raccoon powers then I could do amazing pranks like that!" Taloo then said, "I never usually use my powers for pranks though us brown raccoons are known to be tricksters that's why most restaurants or shops have a statue of us outside because they know they'll get tricked!" after saying that Taloo finished his milk and decided to put the bottle away but as he got to the kitchen, he saw Linda

" as Linda went back into the Cabin Jeffrey asked the raccoon "Do you turn leaves into money all the time because I sure can use something like that!?" the raccoon replied "No you see I turn money into leaves, why if I actually did turn leaves int...

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 and the moment he saw her Taloo immediately said to Linda "So sorry for that trick those four creatures insisted that I test out my power on a human!" Linda then replied saying "Oh that's alright when it comes to those four I never know what they'll do to make my life even harder than it already was." the four nice children and the very nice dog entered  the Cabin where Taloo and Linda where in they saw the two still having they're conversation Taloo then said "It seems as if your life is a bit too hard on you your all full of worries and hopelessness without a miracle in sight!" Linda then replied saying "Well I do have a few miracles, for one example there's this really great creature who I have my heart on, and his name is SeedRoot and there's the children there who I wish I could just adopt." Taloo suddenly asked Linda "Well why can't you adopt them?" to which Linda replied sadly but not too sadly "Well because I already know that The Candle Holder who's the boy in the robe and his sister Lilly already has parents but as for the other two it would be so great if they were my children but I still have my son Tom who is already a danger to his cousin Florine there I don't want them getting hurt by someone who would be they're brother and unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it because I was told not to do anything about Tom." "Oh dear!" said Taloo he continued on and said "Who told you, you couldn't do anything about it?" Linda replied "It was Jeffrey who said so and he is best friends with my husband Mr. Tentacles I dare not to mess with them in fact I can't even do a thing to my son without him possibly hurting me and he is more stronger than I am." Taloo was quite shocked to hear that because to him Tom didn't look too strong in fact he thought that he wasn't so strong at all but Taloo then said "I'm terribly sorry that this is the dreadful life you're living if only I could do something about it but alas I am only a brown raccoon creature why what kind of person would believe in a critter like me." Linda then replied, "I could believe you, you sound like a pretty understanding raccoon and yet another type of creature who pity's me and an animal creature at that yet another animal creature who gives me sympathy." Taloo blushed as he said in response "I'm not always this pitiful after all I still do think about money a lot and money is indeed my thing!" Florine steps in and asked, "May I pet you?" Taloo happily nods and Florine started petting Taloo and rubbing his big belly she really loved how soft Taloo was and his fur was so fluffy and pleasant to touch Taloo then gave Florine a couple of gentle licks on her face then he realized that it was time for bed so he asked, "Where exactly shall I sleep?" so then Daisy said "You can sleep in my room." so then the children went upstairs and they went into Daisy's pink bedroom and Taloo said "Nice this looks very nice." Taloo immediately got into the bed and after the three girls changed into they're sleeping clothes they got into the bed as well Coopy was also in the room to but there wasn't enough room on the bed for him which he didn't mind one bit Taloo made another compliment to the bedroom and said "This bedroom is perfect for a raccoon such as myself I cannot believe that you where given this very room, why you must be the most luckiest child in the known world!" Daisy then said "This wasn't originally my room I was just given this room the moment I moved in here I heard that this room originally belonged to Lilly." Lilly then said "It's much more windier outside and I don't really like sleeping without my brother around." Taloo began to say "Why yes that does indeed make perfect sense!" Daisy began asking "Are you sure you just want to stay here for one night you look a little lost?" Taloo replied "It's fine my dear I tend to stay in this country indefinitely because I just want to see new things in my life so why wouldn't I stay here, why I do think this place is rather exciting!" the children and dog where quite excited to know that Taloo then started to say "That sweet lady friend of yours is quite charming however I am sorry that she had to live in this miserable place." Daisy then said "Yes she works herself too hard and those four creatures only make her life worst." The Candle Holder followed up saying "We would have loved to do something to help her out and do the right thing but Linda always said that she doesn't want us to because she fears that those creatures would hurt us and she does have a point about that but it is always best to do the right thing but maybe someday we shall help her escape." Lilly then said "My personal hobby is biting them on they're legs I always do that to avenge Linda and make sure that the four pears get a taste of they're own pain!" The Candle Holder letted out a sigh as he said, "I try to convince her not to be so violent, but she always wants to repay Linda in her own way." Taloo started to chuckle as he said, "Well she is only a child a smaller one at that and she always knows what's best to protect the family somehow!" The Candle Holder replied saying "I do agree but it absolutely isn't necessary for her to be hurting others in such a violent way." after that conversation everyone went to sleep, when mourning came Taloo said his goodbyes to all of his friends and then he ran off.

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