"Thor" (2011) is a superhero film directed by Kenneth Branagh, which tells the story of the Norse god Thor (Chris Hemsworth), who is cast out of Asgard by his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins) for his arrogance. Stripped of his powers, Thor lands on Earth, where he meets scientist Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) and her team. While on Earth, Thor learns humility and heroism. Meanwhile, his brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) schemes to take the throne of Asgard. Thor must prove himself worthy to reclaim his powers and prevent Loki from destroying his home. The film blends mythological elements with modern-day adventure, laying the groundwork for Thor's role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The Mighty Thor
FanfictionThis would just be literally Thor 1 with minor changes with the same cast Comic Inspirations: "Journey into Mystery" #83 (1962), "Thor" Vol. 1 (1966 onwards), Walt Simonson's Run (1983-1987),The Ultimates" (2002) CAST **Chris Hemsworth** as Thor *...