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i let out a quiet breath of relief as oakley presses his lips against my shoulder repeatedly. i adjust my arms so they're wrapped around his neck loosely and my head is laying on his chest, his heartbeat hammering in my ear. his hands gently stroke up and down my back soothingly as my bare body relaxes on top of his and i wish i could stay here forever. 'you good?' he asks softly.

'yeah. why wouldn't i be?' i chuckle.

'because i just fucked you for like 5 hours straight and i've never heard you make some of those noises before?' he says confidently and i can't help but laugh.

'fuck off.' i chuckle, looking away from him.

'nah, i loved it.' oakley smirks as he takes my chin gently and makes me look at him. 'i love you.'

'i love you too.' i say with a smile before i peck his nose.

'i have a new song.' he announces as i raise my brows.

'can i hear it?' i ask and he nods, gently tapping my thighs so i can sit up, straddling him as he reaches across for his phone. i lay back down again and wait for him to find it. 'is it finished?'

'yeah, yeah.' he says. 'it's called let go. it's like a remix of an older song.' he explains and i nod before he plays it, my full attention on the lyrics.

'that's so good, oh my god.' i say proudly and he smiles a little.

'thank you.' he says. 'it's about you so i'm glad you like it.'

'about me? but–'

'some lyrics don't relate to you because they worked with the beat. but most of it is you.' he interrupts and i nod slowly.

'you're so fucking cute.' i giggle and he presses his lips in a thin line.

'thank you.' he says again and i laugh.

'oh shit, what happened with your brand that you were gonna start?'

'we have a name for it.' oakley speaks as he gently puts his hands on my hips and flips me so we're on our sides facing each other.

'which is?'

'synaworld. syna for short.' he says and i nod.

'i like it.' i say and he smirks.

'i like you.' he teases and i scoff.

'is there ever a moment when you're not trying to flirt with me?' i ask as he raises his brows a little.

'you're naked and you have that post-orgasm glow that people talk about. you think i'm not gonna flirt with you?' he asks and i press my lips in a thin line.

'fair enough.' i mumble with a chuckle. he pulls me into him again, kissing me and i bite his bottom lip, dragging it out as we make out again.

'nadya!' i hear a familiar voice call out excitedly before the door opens and i feel a body fall on top of me.

'ow, ania!' i groan out as i try and push her off of me, another groan coming from my left.

'ania, man.' oakley rasps and i feel ani sit up, finally letting me breathe.

'shut up, i missed you.' she says, looking at me as i laugh.

'can i get dressed first?' i ask with a chuckle.

'you're acting like i've never seen you naked before.' she chirps and oakley furrows his brows, looking between the two of us.

'wait, what?' he asks.

'okay, ani. i will get changed and see you outside?' i ask and she giggles.

'of course.' she laughs as she gets off of me and leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.

'don't tell me you and ani have–' oakley begins before i interrupt him with a groan, getting up and collecting my bra from the floor to put it on, along with oakley's shirt and his boxers.

'i'm not telling you anything.' i mutter, hearing him scoff.

'so you have.' he announces, getting up too and going through my wardrobe for his own clothes.

'i'm not saying yes or no.' i shrug and he scoffs.

'you're not good at hiding secrets, nady.' he laughs as he comes out fully clothed and i roll my eyes. we head to my bathroom and brush our teeth, his arm wrapped around my waist the whole time as if he's been touch deprived.

'be glad.' i joke before spitting out in the sink and rinsing my mouth before him, escaping from his grip and going to the living room where i see ani laying on the sofa. 'i missed you.' i complain as she gets up and we hug properly this time.

'i missed you more.' she replies before we pull away.

'i'm hungry though.' i complain as she chuckles.

'come then. tell me everything, how was it?' she asks as we walk around to the kitchen where oakley is.

'uhhh..' i laugh nervously as i start making cereal and oakley wraps his arm around my waist, holding me against him. 'i had to meet this guy called roman.' i begin and i feel oakley's hold on me tighten. 'and we had a dinner and everything on my first day. then we left and we found out we were at the same hotel and when we got on the lift he–'

'he fucking kissed her.' oakey mutters, kissing his teeth as i press my lips in a thin line and ani's jaw drops.

'nahh what the fuck?' she says with a small laugh. 'that's mental.'

'd'you know what else is mental?' oakley asks and she shakes her head. 'nady only told me yesterday.'

'nadya!' she yells and i groan, turning so my body's facing oakley as i hide my face in his torso and his hold on me only tightens. 'and that happened on the first day?'

'yeah, man.' oakley replies as ani tsks.

'nadya, what's wrong with you?' ani asks and i scoff as i turn around again, pouring my cereal in the bowl.

'alright, leave my girl alone now.' oakley replies to ani as i roll my eyes but he doesnt see, and i pour the milk over my cereal. i give oakley a side eye but he doesn't get the hint.

'can i eat in peace?' i ask him as he smirks. i roll my eyes in annoyance and bend forward on the counter, hearing a quiet groan from him as i take my spoon and eat.

'yeah, please keep this in the bedroom.' ani says, faking a gag as i shake my head.

'tell him to move, man!' i say as oakley scoffs, his hands gripping on my hips tightly as he moves to the side a bit.

hi everyone

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