Chapter 19: Daycare Dangers

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With fear and adrenaline pumping through their veins, Freddy, Gregory, and Robert hastily make their way through the dimly lit corridors. The hum of machinery and the faint sounds of animatronic music fill the air as they run, hoping to escape whatever triggered the security alert.

As they turn a corner, they find themselves at the entrance of the Daycare, its colorful and cheerful facade standing in stark contrast to the ominous atmosphere.

Freddy halts in front of the Daycare entrance, his eyes scanning the premises warily. Turning to Gregory, he says firmly. Freddy: "Gregory, listen. You can go into the Daycare, but we can't follow you." He motions towards Robert, the security bot standing next to them. Freddy: "Us animatronics aren't allowed in the Daycare. You have to go down the slide alone."

Gregory looks worried, his eyes darting between Freddy and the Daycare entrance.

Gregory: "You want me to go there alone? Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Freddy nods reassuringly, his voice softer now.

Freddy: "You'll be okay. Just do what you need to do and come back as soon as possible."

With a mixture of hesitation and determination, Gregory takes a deep breath, knowing that he has to face the unknown alone.

Gregory: "Alright. I'll go."

Freddy and Robert watch as Gregory turns and approaches the spiraling slide leading into the Daycare.

As Gregory comes to a stop at the end of the slide, he is faced with a sudden movement. A colorful animatronic figure leaps out from behind a nearby toy pile, landing just in front of him.

Gregory gasps in surprise, taken aback by the animatronic's sudden appearance. As he collects himself, he gets a better look at the colorful figure, realizing that it is none other than Sun, the friendly daycare attendant.

Sun hovers over Gregory, their faceplate spinning in a cheerful manner. The daycare attendant's voice is bright and enthusiastic.

Sun: "Well, hello there, little Superstar! Welcome to the Superstar Daycare!"

Gregory's initial surprise is quickly replaced by a guarded wariness.

Gregory: "Uh, hey there, Sun. I'm just passing through..."

Sun tilts their head, their permanent smile, undeterred by Gregory's cautious response.

Sun: "Just passing through? Why such a hurry, little Superstar? You should stay and play with all our wonderful toys!"

Gregory glances towards the distance, noticing a card on a nearby play structure. Realizing that's his next target, he takes a step back.

Gregory: "I... uh... I'd love to play some other time. I'm kind of on a mission right now."

*Sun cocks their head the other way, their expression seeming more confused than cheerful now.*

Sun: "Mission? What kind of mission are you on, little Superstar? You don't need to do any missions alone when you have us here to help you!"

*Sun cocks their head the other way, their expression seeming more confused than cheerful now.*Sun: "Mission? What kind of mission are you on, little Superstar? You don't need to do any missions alone when you have us here to help you!"

*Gregory realizes that he needs to distract Sun to get that security badge. Thinking quickly, he looks around and see boxes, he ran to that boxes to make a mess for Sun to clean it. Gregory runs to that boxes.*

*Gregory hurries over to the boxes and starts rummaging through them, scattering their contents across the floor. He purposely creates a mess, hoping it will capture Sun's attention.*

*As Gregory continues to scatter the box contents across the daycare floor, he glances over his shoulder. Sure enough, Sun is approaching, their expression now slightly frustrated at the growing mess.*

As Sun's attention is fixated on the mess, Gregory takes his chance. He quietly moves away from the boxes and quickly heads towards the security badge, located on a nearby wall.

Meanwhile, Sun begins to pick up the scattered items, muttering about the mess. The playground is momentarily quiet apart from Sun's grumbles and the sounds of Gregory slipping away.

Just as Gregory grabs the security badge, Sun looks up, realizing that the little Superstar has vanished.

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