Jonny's Such A Hottie (Becoming Black Hawk) - And You Know It!

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February 6th, 2010

Evelyn's POV

It started on my very first case under the ownership of Brad Hawley, an ex-hockey General Manager for the Boston Bruins and Chicago Blackhawks. I had gone through training with learning about and controlling my powers (namely flying, laser vision, absolute hearing, enhanced reflexes and enhanced strength) and I was ready. I was sent out to test the waters basically. I was unsure of what my "superhero" act was going to be, but I learned that my whole thing was "saving the Blackhawks." Or more precisely, "saving Jonathan Toews."

You see, Jonathan was the world to me. He allowed me to continue on and gave me strength. and I always did love saving him. He was the Mary Jane to my Spiderman, the Lois Lane to my Superman, the Robin to my Batman. I would always be there to find him and save him from whatever was thrown my way.

At first, I just kind of stumbled upon saving him by accident. I got the call and was sent out to the scene. I remember what it was. The St. Louis Blues team had a few goons who were out to "destroy" the opponent by playing illegally. Instead of playing by the rules, the goons were out to hurt. And one in particular had his sights on the Chicago Blackhawk's Captain. He was continually targeting the man on the ice, but now he was bullying him off the ice. Steve Ott targeted Jonathan Toews off the ice, by ambushing him in the parking lot of the United Center in Chicago. He had invited three of his teammates. They all surrounded the Blackhawk. It was after the game and a pack of Blues players followed Jonathan Toews outside of the arena. Ott grabbed him and shoved him into the arms of another player on the team, David Backes.

"Hey, remember me, Jonny boy?" Backes sneered and shoved him back to Ott.

"Stop. We aren't on the ice anymore. You can't do this!" Jonathan screamed as he tried to fight back. He threw himself away and tore himself free from Ott.

"Oh, Jonny, but we want to. We're not much a fan of the Blackhawks," Ott snarled, grabbing Jonathan back and shoving him toward Ryan Reaves.

"It's not really just you. The Blues and Blackhawks just have a rivalry."

"But off the ice, we should be friends," the Blackhawk insisted. "Why don't you see that?" He was grabbed by Vladimir Sobotka, who spun him around in place. The centre managed to get himself free finally after several seconds of tugging and fighting.

Ott, Reaves and Backes snickered, as the Chicago leader stood in the center of the group. He looked around, on his guard, trying to watch each Blues player.

"What are you going to do?" Jonathan asked, trying hard to hide the fear he felt inside. There was no one around. It was just him and the Blues players, so if they wanted to they could kill him.

"We're going to make you scream," Ott snarled, as he pounded his fist into his hand.

Jonathan wasn't ready for him. The St. Louis' goon launched forward and swung his fist at the Blackhawk. He grabbed Jonathan by the collar of his shirt. Backes joined in. He seized Jonathan's right arm and pulled it backward, behind him. Reaves grabbed his left arm and pulled it behind him. Sobotka walked up behind him and stood ready, in case he managed to get free. The poor, helpless centre struggled, but was unable to go anywhere.

"Please, don't do this!"

"Shut up, Blackhawk scum!" Ott spat and landed a punch to Jonathan's face, making him scream in pain.

"Stop! Somebody, help me!"

High up in the air, I, Evelyn O'Reilly, flew to the scene. I hovered briefly over and shook my head. "Dirtbags." I dove downward and landed with a loud thud on the ground. I knocked Sobotka out and then grabbed Ott and shoved him to the side.

"Leave him alone!" I snapped, stomping my foot on the ground and letting out a shrill hawk screech.

"What the--who are you?" Ott growled the question.

"They call me...uh! Just know me as Eve!" I exclaimed, flapping my wings. "And you should probably let that guy go. Now."

Reaves and Backes gripped onto Jonathan though, refusing to let go. The centre continued to struggle, trying to get himself free. He was bleeding from a cut on his lip from the blows of Ott. I stepped toward them. At the side, Ott recovered and charged for the newcomer, only for me to spin around in a nifty move and punch his lights out, with a super blow to the head. He flew backward and landed on the ground, on top of his friend, Sobotka. Both were out cold now.

I turned back to the other two Blues players. "You wanna join your little buddy there?" I narrowed my eyes and fluttered my wings in an angry flapping motion.

Backes was the one to speak, "What are you going to do--you're only a woman?"


"So, I'll kick your ass, if you want me to. Now let him go!"

Jonathan looked at me, his gorgeous brown eyes pleading me to help him out. I was lost in them for a little bit. But, I cracked my neck and flew forward. I attacked Backes first. I punched him and made him let go of the Chicago forward's arm. With his arm free he turned and fought Reaves, until I plucked him up off the ground and threw him into a car. His head hit and he was knocked unconscious. I brushed myself off and landed back down on the ground.

I grabbed Jonathan's hand and looked at him. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

"It's no problem."

He chuckled. "So, what are you...a superhero?"

"Kind of. I just finished up training. This is my first case. But I don't mind helping you out." Truth was, Jonathan Toews was a hottie...a stud...a handsome beast! He was adorable. I could see myself risking my life to save him and make sure he stayed young and youthful.

"Well, Eve, I know the superhero rules, you can't let me know your real name or identity, that's fine, I don't need to know."

"You're a smart man."

"I'm the Captain of the Blackhawks for a reason."

I gasped. "You're Jonathan Toews aren't you!?" I hadn't realized it until now actually. Honestly, I was always a huge Blackhawks fan, but I didn't know that fate would lead me here to saving the team's Captain...and a cute Captain at that! Jonny was a hottie!! I was fangirling really.

"Yeah, guilty." He shrugged.

I was still fangirling. "I'm a huge Blackhawks fan!!" Damn, Jonny's such a hottie!

"Well, thanks again for saving me."

"It's my job. In fact, what if I can be your personal superhero? I'll come to your rescue and save you from any peril of danger. I'll be a Blackhawk protector!" I raised my head up proudly.

"I'd like that. Instead of Eve, can be...Black Hawk?!"

I cocked my head. He was a genius and he was the one I would save. I bid him farewell, but it was far from over. I carried on rescuing him, getting a "Jonny's in trouble" radar, which was imprinted into my watch.

From that moment on, I was Black Hawk, protector of the Chicago Blackhawks and notably Jonathan Toews!

And if anyone got in my way or messed with the Captain, they'd answer to me.

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