Yeah!! But actually they both have really changed a lot I mean their looks and also us maybe that's the reason mallika couldn't identify us too either could we. They don't look the way they looked in their younger age! But what if we just tell them!!" Basant said being over excited and happy
No! I want them.. to recognise each other" monika said stressing on the word 'them' and smiled watching them near the counter
But do you think they would be able to recognise each other? You can already see they can't stand each other so if they don't interact how would they know?" Basant signed
What are we there for" monika said grinning
Haaaa" he realised
They both looked at them who were fighting that who will carry the orders
Sumedh! What's your problem I said I'll take mine and basant's order you just take yours and monika's! you don't have 10 hands" she said glaring at him who was already holding his and monika's order and was also adamant that he will carry their orders too
You see being a gentleman I don't want a girl carrying her orders so let me just help" he said appreciation himself and shrugging his shoulders casually showing pity
I can carry my own order I don't need your pity and I'm not dependent on anyone I can do my things by myself" she said walking away being irritated
He giggled watching her going away as he was doing all this to only tease and annoy her she too knew that he was doing this purposely
Miss! I love irritating you" he said grinning mischievously saying so he started walking towards their table where mallika was already placing the orders on their table and got seated on her seat then he too came and placed his and monika's orders on the table looking at mallika giggling she glared at him he got seated controlling his laughter
Then monika's words got their attention so he looked at her
Guys! Rakshit and ruchika are joining as from tomorrow but they missed the first day of college"
Who are they?" Mallika asked being confused not knowing who they are
They are our friends" basant said
Where have they gone?"
They went on a vacation not together but yeah they are the another couple of our gang I should say that we are a gang! The five of us stay together all the time" Basant said indicating him,monika,sumedh,rakshit and ruchika as a gang of five
And we are six now" monika exclaimed to which mallika smiled happily but sumedh rolled his eyes
Don't you think your missing the other two? Di and dau? We're already 7 why do you want another extra piece" sumedh said rolling his eyes though he enjoyed irritating her but her presence irritated him too
Why do you hate her so much only in a day?" Basant asked being irritated by his behaviour that for once he loved irritating her and the next second her presence irritated him
Leave it basant! People like him don't need any reason to hate anyone" mallika said rolling her eye
Khadoos" she muttered which was audible to him so he glared at her
Such a weirdo! It's so difficult to understand him just a while ago he was happily teasing me and now he's being a khadoos! Khadoos and weirdo is the best name for him I don't know who named him sumedh" she thought and rolled eyes
You're such a moody person sumedh!" monika signed
Sumellika glared at eachother giving death glances to eachother

Teen FictionA childhood lost love?! No you can also call it a enemies to lover trope They were seperated when they were young! Why? Cause they were too young to be in love? Maybe! But finally after 4 years of tragic seperation their destiny brings them back to...