episode 33

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While we keep sprinting to the jeep, I can still see the phantoms getting closer at the corner of my eyes

Tyler: Ashlynn...

Ashlynn: It's okay, it'll work. Just keep running

We made it at the jeep. I turn confused why the phantoms didn't chase us and realized there's lights there

Aiden: it worked! We're not gonna die!

Ashlynn: told you

"What the heck! When did that got there?" Grabs the handle of the jeep

I turn and try to open the door but it won't budge

"Uhhh... Ashlynn, it won't open" looks at her

Ashlynn: it's locked?!

Tyler: I thought you said you made sure it was unlocked with the keys inside?!

Ashlynn: I did! One of my parents must have grabbed it or something!

"Well we're doom" poker face

They argue and argue more

"Stop arguing, we might attract more of them!" Having a headache

Ashlynn picks up her walkie-talkie and turn on her headlights

Ashlynn: Logan, we can't find the keys! Stay there, we're gonna run in the house and get them!

I turn on my headlights as we get inside the house. We got on the stairs leaving the two. I heard Aiden yells at Ashlynn's name

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