episode 10

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Ashlynn turn but it desappear

Logan: i-i don't see it anywhere voice shaking

Taylor: what was that?

"This place must be curse"

Aiden: one of the ghost maybe?


Tyler: are you guys dumb? Ghost aren't real this is just some stupid prank

Taylor: a prank?

"We literally just saw it with our own naked eyes! Now your telling it's a prank?! Maybe your the one is dumb" cross my arms up to my chest

Tyler just look at me with a glare  "you really love to pick up fights with me"

"Yeah, I like it when I tease you" facts

Tyler just look away then start to talk anything comes up with his mind. I noticed his ears are kinda red after he looks away

Tyler grab Taylor's wrist

Tyler: we're going going back to the bus pissed

Logan: a-ah wait...

I walk away, {maybe Tyler is right, it must be some stupid prank} we come back to the motel, I was sitting at the bed having my quiet zone

Taylor: ah Ashlynn wanna play?

Ashlynn: no you guys go ahead, I'm getting ready to go to bed

Ashlynn walk over to the room and went inside

"Oh hey Ashlynn" gives her a smile

Ashlynn:hi...why are you not playing with them?

"I don't feel like it so I'll just go and read, you want some?"

Ashlynn: no thanks she start to ballet in the room

"Ok, suit yourself" continue to read

Bloody Night Hours-school bus graveyard x FEM reader ✨Where stories live. Discover now