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"In the distant past, the peaceful planet of Aurum was protected by a mystical power known as the Prism Stone. For centuries, this power was guarded by a group of ancient guardians who kept it safe from harm. But when a new evil arose, the guardians knew they needed help.

With the blessing of the ancient guardians, a mysterious being known as the Aurora Wizard appeared and used the power of the Prism Stone to create six enchanted crystals.

"The Aurora Wizard gifted the six enchanted crystals to six worthy heroes: a brave soldier named Redderick, a skilled archer named Oriel, a cunning spy named Jillian, a powerful magician named Greyson, a wise healer named Blu, and a mighty warrior named Violet.

As soon as the heroes touched the crystals, their true potential was unlocked. Redderick's courage was amplified to superhuman levels, Oriel's aim became perfect, Jillian gained the power to blend into her surroundings, Greyson's magic grew even more powerful, Blu's healing abilities became almost supernatural, and Violet's strength increased exponentially.

"Realizing that they were stronger together than apart, the heroes decided to work as a team to defeat the rising evil. They formed a group known as the Prism Force, and used their newfound powers to fight back against the forces of darkness.

Redderick became the Red Ranger, Oriel the Orange Ranger, Jillian the Yellow Ranger, Greyson the Green Ranger, Blu the Blue Ranger, and Violet the Violet Ranger. Together, they became unstoppable.

The Prism Force fought many battles, vanquishing countless foes and earning the respect and admiration of their planet. But the forces of evil were relentless.

Author's Note

Hi fighters,it's your girl Victoria. Just want to see how you all will like this new power rangers story I came up with and by the way I don't own The Power Rangers. I just came up with another story of them,with some help ofcourse. Keep fighting guys, until next time!🤩

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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