Need love is a getto love story with a girl name Tay who is dealing with a lots of downs in her .
She will fined someone or find them
you'll just have to find out
Tay Tay that's all i hear who ever it is fina get a fat ass peace of mind cause I know dame whell they not messing with the best part of my dream with the finest man King von early in the morning I got up eney way to see this old ass lady in my face staring right in my eyes if only she was not my grandma I would have had her in a headlock.
Grams- wake your black ass up your late for school
I got up so God dame fast trying to get my stuff to refreshin up as fast as I can because I don't want to her these people mouths
Tay- why you wake me up like that
Grams- To tell you to come down stairs to eat breakfast
Tay- Why didn't you wake me like an normal person
Grams- Because I wanted to see that ugly ass face you make and also it's funny so get dressed do what you have to and come eat
I swear she gets on my never some time but I still love her
So i went to take a bath and got ready after that i went down stairs and aet breakfast and talk with Grams
After breakfast I grabbed my bag and and said my good bye after that I went on my way to this shithole of a place
At School
I finally made it to to school after that long ass walk
Before even stepping on school premises i went my bag to get an edible
After that i start walking to the duble doors into the school and I see a bunch of lame ass niggas and hoes looking for attention
I got a few stairs but that's nothing new
I walk to my first class to see my associates Kayla and Payton
I would not say they are my friends because most of the time I'm high as a kit not caring what they saying because all they do is talk about people
I walk and wave at them and sit down beside the window then there comes payton
Payton- Did you hear that Olivia gave BJ head in the bathroom
That was my sine to put my headphones in
Fast forward to lunch
Me Kayla and Payton are sitting at lunch while they were talking I was listening to music
Then some one taped on me i turn to see Payton talking i took out my headphones and asked what she needed
Payton- Did you hear what we said
Tay- no i had headphones in my ear
Kayla- we were talking about going to this party and was wondering would you like to
Tay- no
Payton- allcome on you never do nothing fun with us
Tay- I don't enjoy the things yall do
Kayla- well just this time and we won't ask no more
Tay- I'll think about it
Will be continued
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