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/secondary perspective/

Luther had went to fetch some groceries for dinner, you, Randal, and Sebastian — who was standing up still, were playing some sort of game Randal made up as nyen and nyon were else where.

Soon you hear the grand father clock ring, that was the clue that it was dinner time as Randal and I stand up as Sebastian is still in his amor suit.

Standing there awkwardly...

We head downstairs and went into the dining room, you see nyen and nyon already sat at the table, soon Luther sits down as well, wearing a ... sun hat?

"Woof... wrmf worfh", you hear Luther muttered underneath his breath, "w... wn.. oof...", he continues to howl.

Luther shakes as he tries not too, "the hell are you doing", Randal asked Luther", suddenly the hat pops right off his head, "ah woof", Luther said as Randal pauses in confusion, revealing some wolf ears and his... paws.

"Thine brother I think you're now a 'woof'", Randal said as Luther nervously sweats, "I'm not ... what you think...", he said before lying his head down as Randal smirks mischievously.

"I'm not a ... D... D-dog...", he slowly went quiet as he laid his head down, his hands or paws... on the table.

Everyone at the table look at him, nyen and nyon both went up to check up on him and when nyon taps on Luther's shoulder...

"!!WOOOOOOOOOOF", Luther barks as his mouth now turned into a dog's snout, Luther scared the life out of nyon.

Nyon started to flee as Luther chases after him, howling as he does so, "But if he's a lowly dog - man thing now...", Randal whispered to himself, "and a dog can't be at the top, which means that I...", he continued.

"I am... finally king of the house!", he exclaimed happily before laughing hysterically as dolls seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Nyen picks up one and looking over to Randal, "my dolls are much stronger now", Randal said smugly.

  "well then... I'll be taking this, my brother", Randal said as he crouched down, picking up the device he previously given you, somehow getting it back, from his back pocket.

Luther lets out a whine before his gaze shifts over to nyon, jumping onto him and licking all over nyon's head as Randal walks towards the stairs.

Randal stops before looking over to you, "My dear sister, you are now the new queen!", he smiled excitedly towards you as you nervously nod — not knowing the power system in this household you just
accepted your new role.

"Ah... alright", you responded back to him then glancing back to Luther who seems to be still chewing on nyon.

"Let's go and get Sebastian freed!", Randal exclaimed sinisterly before motioning you to follow as you hesitated to do so.

' I had a bad feeling about this...', you thought to yourself before nodding and followed Randal's request or more do command.


As you head upstairs and walked through the hallway, the house seems to be changing due to doll faces merging out of the walls spontaneously, and as both of you and Randal reached his room he opens his door, "Hey Sebastian 'been a good boy?", he said to the still standing Sebastian.

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