enemies turned allies Badgurales decision

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Jin and Ensign Badgurale were sitting on the dock outside of the Orb Union launch bay.
" Do you really believe what Naruto is saying," she asked.
" Believe it yes, trust it is hard to say, but I do Believe it," said Jin.
" Why do you trust him so much," asked Natarle.
" Because he has never broken a promise and he doesn't lie to people unless he has to protect someone," said the Devil-powered Conduit.
" It's because he's a conduit isn't it," she said.
" Natarle that's the same thing as me saying all naturals and coordinators can't be trusted," said Jin.
" ... I'm sorry it's just why do you trust that man," she asked.
" Well, why do you hate him?" Asked Jin.
" I. I don't hate him," she said.
" Then you shouldn't have a problem with him," said Jin.
" What about your mobile weapons what are you guys going to do about them they were heavily damaged during that last fight," she said.
" We're going to get them replaced," said Jin.
" Replaced how are you going to... you're upgrading them aren't you," said Natarle.
" Yeah but coming soon you'll have to make a choice and that choice will be one of the hardest ones you'll have to make," replied Jin.
" I.. don't understand," she said.
Jin smiled and he kissed her forehead.
" You'll be fine Natarle," said Jin and he walked back to his ship.
Riku looked at his new mobile weapon.

The Gundam Death-Scythe Hell it had a higher output engine, A more powerful thruster, a new Anti beam Cloak, and A new type of scythe called beam scissors it was modeled after A Demon just like Riku wanted it to be all in all the thing was perfect

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The Gundam Death-Scythe Hell it had a higher output engine, A more powerful thruster, a new Anti beam Cloak, and A new type of scythe called beam scissors it was modeled after A Demon just like Riku wanted it to be all in all the thing was perfect.

Next to it was Sora's new machine.

The Wing Gundam Zero the machine was modeled after an Angel it had a higher thruster output and instead of a variable transformation it instead featured a new set of wing binders that enabled independent and atmospheric reentry it was equipped wit...

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The Wing Gundam Zero the machine was modeled after an Angel it had a higher thruster output and instead of a variable transformation it instead featured a new set of wing binders that enabled independent and atmospheric reentry it was equipped with a twin buster rifle.

"Hey you two get in your mobile suits we've got permission to help set up the islands defenses." Said a voice.
The two turned to see Menma Uzumaki looking at them serious.

The two turned to see Menma Uzumaki looking at them serious

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maelstrom of the cosmic era Naruto x Gundam seedWhere stories live. Discover now