😭 Nosebleed- Han

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I woke up to sense someone staring at me. I looked up and saw Changbin hyung just staring at me with a kissy face

As soon as changbin hyung saw me opening my eyes he immediately grabbed my cheeks and smothered it 

After a while he stopped and told me to get ready for practice and prepare well beacuse its going to be a long practice today. Something i dreaded 

I lifted my head off my pillow a bit too fast and my head started to feel really dizzy and and lightheaded.

It felt like a headache or migraine but what could i do? I had practice and my dance teacher didn't care?


We were practicing for our new comeback and i hated every part of it.

Everyone looked really concentrated exept me.

I mean to be completely fair i was trying but my head was pounding and everything hurt so very badly

All i wanted to hear is the singular word "break"

"OKAY LETS TAKE A FIVE MINUTE BREAK EVERYONE" The dance instructor shouted "And Jisung let me talk to you privately"

"Uhh okay?" I said following her out the door

"Jisung... how do i say this? Uhh? Can you try to put more effort into your moves? Im not calling you a bad dancer its just you were kind of slacking on your moves. Please put more effort Jisung" the dance teacher said

"Oh... im sorry I'll work harder" i said

"Good" the dance teacher said before walking off

I ealked back in the dance room to see hyunjin hogging the fan and lee know holding a tissue box and looking like he is about to stuff tissues into his mouth again

I walk over to my twin felix who is all alone in a corner playing a game on his phone

We start talking while i ignore the unbearable pain in my head until felix ponits something out

"Uhh hyung? Why is your nose bleeding?" Felix says but not extremely loud so the members can't hear

"Oh it is?" I say as felix hands me one of lee knows tissues 

"Yeah it is... are you okay? I can tell the members if your not feeling well they will understand!" Felix said

"BREAK TIME IS OVER GO BACK TO POSITIONS" the dance instructor says

We all got back to positions and started dancing. Felix would give me worried glances while i was dancing but i just smiled showing i was fine

I kept dancing until i felt my nose start burning and head feeling more lightheaded 

I was so engraved into dancing i didn't even feel my nose start bleeding again

I.N looked at me and saw my nose bleeding "HYUNG ARE YOU OKAY?" I.N shouted walking torwards me

Everyone looked at me but i didnt care all i wanted to do is lay down and sleep so thats what i did...

I passed out.

"OH MY GOSH HE PASSED OUT" hyunjin said

chan tried to look for the dance teacher but she was long gone? Did she just run away? What a bitch

"Uhh the dance teacher is gone what do we do" chan said looking at the tiny unconscious boy

"Bring a fan, pain reliever and cold water. Pour some cold water on his face. (I have no idea what to do im just making up stuff)

They waited and waited but Han never woke up so they went the dorms and layed im on the couch


*STILL HANS POV* I woke up and saw me laying on the couch. I layed my head up and saw all the members looking at me with concern on their faces

"HALLELUJAH HE'S AWAKE!" Felix shouted

"Oh Hannie... i was so worried why didnt you tell us you weren't feeling well?" Chan hyung said 

 "Im sorry" i replied 

"Its okay hannie does it still hurt?" Lee know hyung said softly

"Yes. But not that much." I replied 

"Just be careful next time okay?" Changbin hyung said 

"Okay i will. Sorry for getting you guys worried" I said 

"Its okay hannie you never have to suffer alone" Chan hyung says


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