Why so blue?

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Finley was swimming around in his aquarium. He was upset, because he'd lost a seashell he liked. He was looking around for it. Then saw Mollie walk in

"Hey, Mol, what you doin?" Finley asked, in a sad, deep voice.

"Just walking around. You seem upset, Fin?" Mollie said, in a questioning tone. She readjusted her wings quickly, before putting her focus back on Finley.

Finley sighed, "I lost one of my shells, and I cannot find it". He swam closer to the glass. Mollie being one of the people he wasn't very shy around.

"Oh... Have you been looking?" Mollie asked, getting closer to the glass.

"Yes, I just can't find it. The rest of my shells are in my shell pile," Finley said, nudging his head at the pile of shells, in the corner of the tank.

"Hm, maybe I could try to help. I could look from outside the cage" Mollie said, enthusiastically. She did a little hop, using her wings to make her hop higher.

"You could try, if you'd like," Finley said. He went back to searching for the shell. Using his knows to move sand, and rocks at the bottom of the tank.

After a couple minutes, Mollie spoke." Hey is that it?" She asked, using her wing to point at something.

Finley swam over, looking at what Mollie was pointing at. It was his shell.

"Yes, it is, thank you Mollie," Finley said, picking the shell up with his mouth. He then swam over to his pile of shells. Carefully placing the one he had down, so he wouldn't break it by accident.

"There, feeling better now, bud?" Mollie asked, with a small smile.

"Yes, thank you again, Mollie," Finley said, a smile on his snout now.

"No problem," Mollie replied, in a cheerful manner. She flapped her wings for a second, showing she was happy.

"Hm, have you seen Rambley, Salem, of Lloyd?" Finley asked, hoping none of them were having a fight.

"Last I knew Lloyd and Rambley were talking, and Salem... I don't know, actually," Mollie said, trying to think of where they were.

"Rambley and Lloyd, talking? You know that's not a good mixture," Finely said, thinking about the other times Rambley and Lloyd "talked".

"Probably not, but I'm not gonna stop them," Mollie said, still very cheerful.

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