Part 2: A drunken daze

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Nash's Pov:

I feel myself floating away as the alcohol starts to make its way through my body. I've never been very good at coping. Instead I escape, run away from my problems. I always thought my life would be like the movies. Fall in love with the girl next door, go off to college, get married, settle down, have kids and all that shit. But life isn't fair and I had to learn that the hard way. That is why I'm sitting on the side of the road in the pouring rain watching the world around me fade away while drinking from a bottle of whiskey I stole from the liquor cabinet my mom thinks she has hidden from me at the house. I enjoy the burn of the whiskey going down my throat making me forget the world of pain I live in even if just for a few hours. I try to get up but the ground beneath me seems to move like a boat on open water. I tumble into the road when a blinding light comes out of nowhere. My eyes seem to linger where they are instead if looking at the source of light. I must of drank more than I thought. I feel a warm hand wrap around my arm to help me up. I look up to see the most striking pair of green eyes staring back me. The issue is though I can remember those eyes anywhere.

"Are you okay? You look kinda out of it. Were you drinking tonight?"

Her words run together, tipping me off to how nervous she is. I winder what the Chief's daughter is doing out here so late at night.

"So what if I was drinking tonight why does it bother you? And shouldn't I be asking what the town's gold girl is doing out so late at night?"

Her entire face morphs from concern to annoyance by my words. And to be honest I barely remember what I said. But whatever it was I want to fix it because for some weird reason I don't like the fact she's mad at me. Why am I feeling these things? I don't even know the girl that well. I must be drunk as fuck if I care what she thinks of me.

"Did you hear me Beckett or do I have to repeat my self for you?"

Her voice brings me back from my thoughts. I have no clue what she asked so instead because I'm me I say something I know I'm going to regret tomorrow morning.

"Sure you can drive me home if you want Jones"

I smile at her and wink. She rolls her eyes in disgust and turns to walk away, but before she gets in the car she stops and turns around.

"Get in, but this is a one time thing okay."

I'm surprised she actually said yes. If I were her I would've run in the opposite direction as fast as I can. I don't have the best reputation around here, and I would've expected her to be a little more cautious considering how many times I've been in the back of her dad's patrol car. I move to get inside her white Jeep Wrangler. Must be lucky to have daddy's money. Thalia Jones probably hasn't experienced a hard day in her life. Once I get in she starts the car and immediately Family Line by Conan Gray starts playing through the speakers but she quickly looks at me from the corner of her eyes before hitting skip and instead Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls starts playing in replace of the previous song. She pulls out onto the road and heads in the direction of our neighborhood. Yup thats right little miss golden girl just so happens to be my neighbor. Yet I can't stop myself from stealing glances at her as we make our way home. The way she has her hair tied up into a messy bun and the glasses shes wearing that she keeps having to push up the her nose. Shes wearing pajama bottoms and an old Disneyland hoodie, and still she manages to look hot as fuck. Any guy would have to be blind to not recognize how beautiful the girl sitting next me is. Despite her looks though the girl tends to be a pain in my ass majority of the time. That's when I notice the cut on her lip and the bruise on her cheek. I reach out and brush my hand softly against her bruise. I don't know why something inside me just compelled me to do so. She turns her head to look at me and her eyes widen just a fraction before she returns her attention on the road. I let my head linger on her cheek for just a moment before trailing it down to the cut on her lip running my thumb over it. I enjoy watching her hold her breath as I continue the same motion and run my thumb over lips.

"What are you doing?"

She whispers and damn if her voice didn't have an affect on me, but I need to but a stop to whatever I'm doing right now. Yet for some reason I can't seem to get over the fact someone put their hands on her. As we pull up to my house she puts her car in park and turns her head towards me once again so that I'm face to face with her emerald green eyes, and I notice the little freckles that cover her face that are so subtle you wouldn't be able to even tell their there unless you were as close as we are.

"Who did this to you golden girl?"

She looks at me with uncertainty before turning her head back and looking into her lap while fidgeting with her hands.

"Um it was an accident. A stunt dropped at practice today and I got hit in the face."

she stumbles over her words as she answers me. She looks at me again trying to read my face for any sort of reaction. But then she nods towards my house making me remember why we are in this position in the first place.

"You probably head inside and get some sleep. We have school tomorrow and based on the bottle of whiskey you had with you when I picked you up you're gonna have a nasty hang over tomorrow."

Clearly trying to change the subject I get out of her car but not before I turn around so I'm facing her again.

"Goodnight Jones, but just so you know I'm well aware that the cheer team did not have practice today, so when I figure out who laid hands on you, trust me when I say they're gonna look ten times worse when I'm done with them."

At that I close her car door not even waiting for her reaction before making my way up my front porch steps and into my house. When I get inside all the light are off so I make my way up the stairs tripping as I'm still a little drunk from earlier. Once I reach my bedroom I quickly strip down to just my boxers before climbing into bed. I don't find sleep easily though and once I do my dreams are filled with nothing but those emerald eyes that I can't seem to forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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