Battle of the helicarrier part2

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Explosion caused by Clints arrow destroyed the engine was shook the room then another one came in slow motion blew up the science room. every avenger was scattered I was in there with Tony and Cap, Natasha was with Banner and Thor is with Nick I would presume, I don't know where they are, Being blown up is kind of a distraction.

" Get the suit." I heard Cap said.

"Roger that." Tony got up and Rand to get it.

I am a little puzzled because I know who attacked me and I know he's at and I know he's mind controlled. My only problem is Banner.

Banner and Natasha are in a random hall her leg is Jammed and she saw Bruce who was angry and started to transform. I sensed this and bolted.
I saw the Hulk first time and all I could say is cool.

Hulk roars as he see me and slaps me. The impact made me collide with wall sending me into an assortment of rooms.

" Wow I don't remember the last time someone hitting me that hard." A smile creeped from my face. " this is gonna be fun."

I charging wings out and collide with Hulk the only problem with that punches I may or may not have destroyed half of the helicarrier to do it. Using my time manipulation skills I reversed it and made sure my battle with hulk was outside and the rest of the people could? Man am I stupid? I casted a spell that instantly stoped the fire on the carrier but i want Iron man to do his thing without outshining him so i let him be a hero, main focus is Hulk.

Ciel: Notice unstable rage monster charging.

I blocled the punch easily then slapped him across his face. I sent him across the land making him have a domino effect of crashing into build by building then slammed on the road.

"Oof I'm going to be in a lot of trouble with Shield now."


Back on the helicarrier Tony is in his suit and Cap told him to meet by the downed engine.

"Stark, I am here!" Cap said.

"Good" Tony came in "Let's see what we got!"

"I got to get the super conducing cooling system online before I access the roders and clear the debris." Tony dislodged a cooling system. "Get to the control panel and tell me which relay is in overlapping position. "He rips open the wall going inside."


Back on the ground I am fighting the Hulk and man this is a little difficult. I could easily kill him but that's still my new teammate.

I hover just above the ground, the dust from my earlier attack swirling around the massive crater I created. The Hulk is down in the crater, and the city around us is in chaos. I scan the area, taking in the sight of shattered buildings and panicked civilians fleeing from the scene.

I hear a rumble from the crater as Hulk begins to rise, his sheer size and power evident even from a distance. He pulls himself out of the rubble, a furious expression on his face. With each movement, the ground trembles, and I know I need to stay focused.

I descend into the crater, landing softly on the uneven ground. I keep my distance, ready to react. Hulk roars, his anger palpable, and he charges at me with a force that shakes the very air.

I swiftly use Spatial Motion to sidestep his punch, appearing behind him. My instincts are sharp, honed from countless battles. I need to be careful not to overdo it; my goal isn't to kill him but to subdue him.

I focus on creating a barrier of Sticky Steel Thread around Hulk, hoping to immobilize him. The threads wrap around his massive form, but he struggles fiercely, ripping through them with his incredible strength. I frown, realizing this will be more challenging than I anticipated.

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