One Shot - Klaine #2

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Kurt's POV

I really hate these winter days that it rains all day and I have to walk home from my extra lessons on feet. Just like now. The place where I take these extra lesson which help me with my homework and my school subjects isn't too far from my home. And it's okay to go there on feet but some days like this one, when the weather is that bad, my father should give my a ride. But no, he doesn't care at all. And here I am, all alone in rain, without an umbrella, about at 6 pm where's getting darker and darker walking to home. There's no one out in the streets anymore. Barely some cars driving by me and get me wetter. As I'm walking suddenly I hear a motorbike which is getting closer and closer but I don't even mind looking at it to find out who would it be cause I don't care at all. When the sound gets louder and I understand that the bike is about to pass me by I'm trying in vain to reach the edge of the pavement so I don't get wet. But at the end he just made my jeans wetter.

"Asshole" I'm screaming without expecting any answer.

Suddenly the motorbike stops a few metres in front of me. I freeze. Fuck! That's the last thing I needed now. An argument with a strange man under the rain. My life sucks. I'm continuing walking and when I reach him, he decides to take off his helmet. Before I saw his face, I stare at his body type and I'm pretty sure that I definitely know him. When finally he's showing his face I recognise him. He's as classmate of mine. Blaine. I barely know him. Actually we don't even say "good morning" to each other. I don't know him, and he doesn't know me. We're completely strangers. He's the crafty style person. He's smoking, he's driving a bike -clearly-, he's changing the girls one after the other... I don't judge this lifestyle... actually the only girl I know that had relationship with him is a friend of mine but now they have broke up. And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna hear a lot from him now because of this "asshole" I told. If he only knew what I am. He would hate me. Or he would probably beat me up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you. Did I douse you?" He's asking me and he's keeping his helmet on his hands.

Did I hear clearly?
"What?" I'm asking doubtfully.

"I said, did I douse you?" He's smiling a little bit. I'm really socked. He never gave me the idea that he would care for someone else like this, even when he doesn't know him.

"Uhm.. no, I'm fine" I'm answering and I'm taking my look from his cause I'm feeling a little bit awkward.

"You're lying, I doused you!" He's showing me with he's look my jeans.
"Oh, you mean this? This was already there... you didn't... you didn't do this" I'm almost apologising and I don't know the reason.

I observing his hair. This is the first time I see them wet and not at their ordinary cut. He's pretty handsome with his hair like this.

"Okay.. whatever" he's saying and he's turning on the engine of his bike. As I expected. 'Asshole'. "Actually" he's turning to me "do you want me to give you a ride?" A second shock gets me.

"Uhm.. no! You don't have to" I played it cool.

"Are you crazy dude? You're wet and it's getting cold. And besides that, this is the only thing I can do to make up for dousing you!" He's smiling again. Please anyone tell him to stop doing it.

"I told you, you didn't..." he's answering before I finish.

"Even though you're saying that I didn't douse you" he's keeping on smiling.

"Well..." I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. I don't know if I do want him to give me a lift or if I don't. I don't know him at all but I must review him. He must be a good guy.

"Come on!" He's shouting as the cold rain's drops falling in our faces.

"Okay, if you say so!" I'm smiling.

With a jump I'm already on his bike. It's more awkward than I could imagine. The fact that I'm too close to him makes my stomach a mess. What is more, I don't know where to place my hands.

"Hold on" he's shouting from his helmet.

"From where?" I'm answering at the same tone.

"You can even hold from me" he's saying too cool.

Cowardly I'm wrapping my hands around his body and the awkwardness gets high. This it the time when the bike starts. We didn't speak to each other again besides the time when he asked me where my home is.

"Well, here we are" he's saying as he's turning off the engine and I have already get off his bike. We are at the garage of my apartment building and the rain doesn't reaches us anymore.

"Thanks although it wasn't necessary" I'm smiling.

"Yes it was" he's insisting.

"No it wasn't" I'm continuing.

"Yes it was" he's continuing too and then he's laughing.

"Anyway, thanks" I'm ready to turn to the door of my apartment building "actually, can I be honest?" I'm sure I'm gonna regret this.

"Hmm.. sure" I can see the curiosity in his eyes.

"Well this whole was pretty strange. You know, we don't usually speak to each other and this is the main reason that all this is so strange to me. You didn't have to give me this ride... oh and I'm sorry about that 'asshole'. You're a nice guy eventually!" I'm smiling at the lasts words of mine.

"Okay" he has a poker face.

And now he's getting to my nerves again. What's wrong with him? I won't let this bother me anymore.

"Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow on school" I'm angry.

"Wait, aren't you gonna kiss me?" He's laughing.

I automatically freeze. And it's not because of the weather. I'm not moving. I'm just staring at him. "What... what did you just say?" I'm finally asking him when I overcome the shock.

"Come on Kurt, I know what you are!" I can't understand his look.

"What... what do you mean?" Still staring at him.

"The thing you can imagine" he has the strange look as before.

"I can't imagine anything" I'm answering angrily.

"Are you gonna make me say it out loud?" He's saying too cool. He's getting on my nerves.

"Say it" I dare him.

"Look Kurt, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable" he's turning his look away.

"The only one who's feeling uncomfortable here is you" I'm trying to play it cool and get him mad.

He's looking right in my eyes. A shiver runs through me and I wonder if it's because of the weather or because of his look.

"You're gay" he's saying and he's lifting his shoulders.

"And what's you're problem?" I'm yelling at him.

"I don't have a problem" he's answering.

"And then Blaine, why do you mind?" I'm asking angry enough.

"For... personal reasons" he's turning his look away again.

"What do you mean?" A laughter gets off my mouth in the thought of meaning what I understood.

"Mind your own business Kurt" he's laughing too.

"Okay, I got it" I'm smiling.

"What did you got?" He's frowning.

"Mind your own business Blaine" I'm mimicking his voice "anyway I must change clothes otherwise I'll get the flu. I'll see you tomorrow" I'm finishing.

"The thing I told before about the kiss, I meant it" he's getting off the bike.

He's coming too close to me and he's kissing me. The truth is that I didn't expect it. I'm closing my eyes and I'm continuing the kiss. He's holding my hands. He's so great. I didn't expect him to be gay but I'm glad he is.
"See you tomorrow" he's saying and then he's running away with his bike.

Klaine One Shot #2Where stories live. Discover now