Bio for my character.

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Name: Agnea Yuki

Gender: Female

Sexuality:  Straight

Deck: Custom deck I made called "Sylvan Elf." This will be paired with normal spells and traps, the deck will go up to Fusion cards and ritual, but nothing more since it takes place in "GX."

Personality: Instinctually good at dueling, gets nightmares easily, caring, cautious, heightened senses, insecure about her appearance around others. Makes fun of her brother often.


●Heightened sense of hearing.

●Incredible athletic feats, though not physically strong by any means.

●Can see duel spirits of all her monsters and others, though mainly the spirit of Sylvan Elf Pixie, her favorite monster

Starting Point: This story will be through S1 to S4 with some custom duels in between.

(Authors Note:) This is my first Wattpad story. I make these cards myself. If you have Ideas I haven't thought of I'm willing to receive suggestions, It might make an appearance in the next chapter. I will give credit when it's summoned.

I hope you enjoy the story! 

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