Chapter 6

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Okay, so yes, I am in the back seat of a taxi crying now.  It's 5:45, and I am driving back to the apartment after the casting.  I won't hear form IMG for another two days or so.  Despite meeting Lucky and his charming roommate, note the sarcasm, I feel so isolated and alone here.  My money is going to start running thin soon, if I don't find some source of money.  And I don't want to spend my college savings yet.  I miss my family, I miss my friends, I miss my home, but I know I left for a reason.  

"Miss, you have to get out now." The driver says with a sad expression on his face. 

I sniffle and nod my head before climbing out of the vehicle with my bag. I walk into the lobby, telling myself motivational things to try to cheer me up. 

"Is everything okay miss?" The youthful doorman says with a concerned face.

"Yes, thank you." I breathe out, not looking him in the eye.

"I don't think I ever caught your name?" The doorman says back to me.

"Uh A.J." I smile. "What can I call you?" I say back stupidly, what can I call you, really A.J?

"Niall." he smiles back, I nod and continue walking to the stairs.

Knocking on the apartment door, I fix up my hair and try to look as happy as possible.

"Welcome back!" Lucky says with a surprisingly happy tone.

I can't help but to smile back widely and enter in behind him.  

"How did it go?" he asks eagerly .

"It's hard to say, I think it went pretty well." I say nodding my head. The apartment is dim and I take notice of the candles that he has lit around the apartment.

"The power is out on this floor again." Lucky sighs, answering my next question.

"Bummer, is Cuff out?"

"Yeah, I ordered a pizza, I hope that's okay. I was thinking maybe you can break your diet for one meal." He says jokingly 

I roll my eyes still smiling "I guess I could make an exception." We both sit on the futon next to each and our legs brush briefly.  I swallow my spit in my mouth and meet his staring gaze that he has on me.  

"You know, I think that models shouldn't be so uptight about what they eat." he breaks the silence.

"Not all models are." I say trying to defend the women that I have looked up to my whole life. 

"I am mainly talking about you." he says lowly.

"I'm not that uptight." I respond looking down at my lap.

"I think you have a beautiful body, A.J there is no need to fret over what the agency will think." My stress must be more obvious then I thought. 

I look back up into his curious eyes, they reflect the glowing light from the candles and I find myself leaning in closer to them.  Or is he getting closer to me? It's hard to tell as my mind starts to become clouded. Our noses brush lightly and I hold in my breath. I close my eyes and await his lips to touch mine.

But instead he pulls away scratching his neck, when there is an inconvenient knock on the door. 

"Must be the pizza." he says getting up to answer it.  I sigh out loud but say nothing.

Maybe it's good we didn't kiss.  Maybe it would have created an awkward living situation if he absolutely hated the kiss and found my mouth gross, or I had bad breath or something. 

He sits back down on the futon and sets the open pizza box on the coffee table in front of us.  As I am eating my pizza, I realize how badly I actually wanted him to kiss me.  I mean yes, he is a very attractive guy.  We don't see many of his kind back in Maryland, but maybe we could-

No, I can't be getting distracted by things like this I need to focus on my career. I can't help but to think at the same time, that maybe my heart might need this kind of distraction as well.

Colorful Hands(Lucky Blue Smith)Where stories live. Discover now