Silence is the BEST Answer

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A place full of peace

Where one comes either to think or to read

This place was just perfect for her

A place full of silence where she could set her thoughts

Where she could think about what to do with the threats she got


Her earlier family is once again in contact with her....but they're not requesting her to come back, they're threatening her.....they say she'll not be able to survive without them....and she fears that it may be true

Now the question is what she should do?

Going back to her family?


But there was no escape and she knows that

So for the sake of escape...she choose  to volunteer library

Cause silence gives you the best answer

Cause silence makes your thoughts work straight

There weren't many people here right now cause it was lunch

Most people were in the cafeteria

She was alone there

And god knows how much thankful she was for it

She was done with arranging the books on the shelf

She did her work quickly so that she gets enough time for herself

So here she was choosing a book to read ...while her thoughts get to arrange themselves

Walking through the shelfs

A book caught her eyes

She tried to pick that book,but maybe god didn't did right with her height cause she couldn't reach it

She thought.....maybe getting a chair or something would be better

She went to the empty reception ,took a chair and was walking back there when infront of her....A well built body of the opposite gender easily picked her choosed book and was walking to the sitting section

No! That's MINE!

I spent hours to choose one!

"Hey!Hey mister wait up!"She shouted at him while running towards him

The library was empty so her voice echoed enough for the latter to hear

And it did,cause he halted his step

He had broad shoulders....and his body was well built

Aish! She shouldn't be thinking about this!

She held his shoulder and turned his body making his front face her

"Mister that book is mine please choose something else"

"Oh really?....but it says "Mystery of us:FAWN's" by Jameson"He said while reading the title of the book and it's writer's name

"No-what I mean is I saw that book first and chose it for myself  to read so give me that book and get another one for yourself"

He stared at me for a while and smiled

"Ohh okay!... let's first can you tell me something?"

"Be quick I don't have time!"She said a bit rude

He smiled"Did you do any booking for this book?"

She was dumbfounded"What do you mean...why would I?"

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