Chapter 2: Maniac

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Finally, after a long eternity, I fell on a hard surface. I groaned and rubbed the back of my head. That was a pretty harsh fall.

When I could focus again, I looked around the room. It wasn't much. I was lying on an elevated wooden platform, and the room was quite small. It was painted a vomit green, which was disgusting. It was dimly lit, with a very few lights. It reeked of socks for some reason. It was also pretty cramped.

I was utterly confused, but, not soon after, a voice sounded from a speaker. "Hello, Winter," A female. I wasn't shocked and I looked around the room for any speakers but as usual, there was nothing.

"Look woman, if you want to talk to me, come out and talk to me yourself," I said. I heard a little applause and I rolled my eyes and stood up. "What confidence! I sadly can't meet you in person, even though I would love to."

"I don't have time for your shit," I grumbled and stepped down from the platform I was on.

"Hey, no need to be rude. You've been here long enough to know what to do," The voice said and went silent.

"Gosh, how long do I have to be here in this hellhole?" I whispered to myself. I noticed my shoelace was untied. I bent down to tie it, and when I stood back up, there were theater curtains every one meter.

At the end of the room, I could see a cage with black iron bars. Something was inside it. Something mad.

I tried opening the curtains to try and get through, but they were glued shut. "Ugh, what sort of stupid prank is this?" I said, climbing up the curtains.

After a good fifteen minutes of climbing, I sat down on the floor to regain my breath. I shut my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I opened my eyes and everything was gone. The black curtains, the cage, everything. All that was left was a square white marble counter.

I got up, and then nearly fainted. At the other end of the room, there was a woman. A granny. But, she wasn't an ordinary human being. She reeked of old people. And blood. She was wearing a white dress, and it looked like the sleeves had been raggedly cut off. Her dress was torn from many places. She had splotches of blood everywhere on her dress. She was even holding a kitchen knife in her hand.

But most importantly, her eyes. There were no eyeballs. Just the sockets. And blood was gushing out of them like a waterfall. Her teeth were rotten and she wore no shoes.

She inched closer to me whispering things like, "I see you" and "I'm gonna get you" but it wasn't whispering. It could be heard everywhere around the room, like an echo. I groaned as I felt the whispers invade my mind, causing a migraine.

Then, the granny took large steps. I moved back. Soon, I collided with the small table and the granny was on the other side. She tilted her head side to side, and sniffed the air. "What a creep," I muttered under my breath.

She giggled and started running behind me. To avoid her stinky breath, I started running around the table too.

My legs gave out and I had to start crawling. 'What the hell?' I thought. But I had bigger problems to think about. Suddenly, the granny stopped moving. She stood and looked at the ceiling. She muttered and giggled to herself.

"Do you need a mental hospital?" I said.

Then, her head snapped back at me, her smile completely wiped off her face. She ran faster, if that was possible. I crawled and crawled, but my knees were starting to ache, a lot.

The granny was starting to get closer to me and I attempted to stand up. I yelped in pain and went back to crawling. But I got slower and the granny caught up to me.

She grabbed the collar of my jacket. I held my breath because of the wretched smell that came out of her mouth. She kept tilting her head side to side and giggling.

She lifted up her bloody knife.

"I've got you."

702 words


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