Seo Ah kept turning in her bed. The dream was hazy but she could make out the surroundings ; she was tied up in some room , Eun Byeol attacking her and then all of a sudden someone was choking her over a ledge , an apple necklace detached from her neck and before she knew it she was being thrown off by someone and falling down from Hera Palace.
The brown chest nut haired girl awoke with a jolt , her heart racing. The past weeks she had been having vague dreams that she assumed were pieces of her old life. But tonight was the first time she saw snippets .
She clutched her head that was beginning to ache , "are Those really memories?"
Her head was throbbing so she went to the kitchen to get some water . Seol was trying to make sense of what she had dreamt why was she tied up , why was Ha Eun Byeol attacking her like that and did she really fall from Hera Palace?
"Min Seol Ah."
"Mr. Joo." She felt afraid of him. She always felt a perturbed feeling when it came to her stepfather a sense of wariness.
"Bad dreams?" Joo Dan Tae smiled (creepily) he could see she seemed bothered about something. Was she regaining her memories ?
"Min Seol Ah." He approached her looking at her kindly hiding away his evil intentions , "I know I'm just your stepfather but I would want us to get along for your mother's sake. If there is anything you feel you can't share with your mother ...I'm here if you want to confide in anything at all. You have my support." He patted her shoulder.
Seol Ah couldn't shake that feeling of mistrust she always had around her stepfather. Making sure she her inner feelings didnt betray her , she nodded , "don't worry Mr. Joo I'm fine and ...thank you for your words."
"Good. You've school in the morning. Go rest."
Dan Tae watched the girl retreat to her room with a clenched jaw . He knew he had to secure her trust before killing her. Shim Suryeon was planning on leaving the girl a inheritance and land that he wanted to snatch. He didn't know the medicine Min Seol Ah was also taking because his darn wife was very secretive about her treatment.
Rowoon and Seol Ah were walking to Rona's apartment. The latter had noticed Sugar seemed to like the boy very much and vice versa.
"I haven't actually visited Rona's home yet." Seol spoke using one hand to carry her welcome basket while the other held onto Sugar's leash.
She had been going to her friend's place when Rowoon also entered the elevator she was taking much to her amusement. "So where are you headed."
"My dad's at work , mom is hosting a book club meeting with Ms Cheon, Ms. Go and the other ladies of Hera Palace . I was planning on meeting some friends to hang out with. " He replied.
Rowoon didn't like it when his mom's friends were ever around the same went with his dad's friends Dr. Ha , Attorney Lee and Mr. Joo. His home atmosphere was already toxic enough his parents friends , Ms Shim excluded , were not good company to be around by. Of his parents ' friends ' Rowoon didn't like Dr. Ha and his wife Cheon Seo Jin the most.
Seol stared at Rowoon she was curious; he was always out as if he never wanted to be home to begin with , but didn't ask not wanting to seem nosy. Based on how he was dressed he looked like he was going to party.
She instead grabbed Rowoon's arm, "you can atleast say hi to Rona too. It will only take a few minutes."
Rowoon didn't reply as the short girl began dragging him by the wrist immediately the elevator door opened not that he objected. He actually found it cute when she tried to be bossy with him.

MASKS (Pent House 1-)
FanfictionMin Seol Ah's life turns upside down when she wakes up and meets a woman who claims to be her mother. She is then introduced to a life of elites and wealthy socialities who live in the luxurious Hera Palace where everyone is not as they seem especia...