part 3

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We talked for what felt like hours. In fact we talked so much that when my coffee was ready they had to call me several time for me to notice. When it was ready I stood up to get it, instead he gestured for me to stay seated and brought it to me. The sweet taste of the coffee was shocking.
"You didn't drug this did you?" I asked in a way that was serious yet invited a laugh.
He looked at me a little funny before laughing. "No, I'm not the type of guy to drug women. Despite how beautiful they are."
I tried to contain my blush by taking another sip. "Why you are such a gentleman?" My phone made a notification sound. I quickly pulled it out of my jacket pocket giving it a little tug as I struggled to pull it out. 

"Where are you? We had plans for a video today...remember."
I jumped up so fast I almost spilled my coffee.
"I'm so sorry I had plans today and, I forgot." I slipped my bag over my shoulder.
"You would think after all this talking I would have gotten your name and maybe your number."
My voice caught in my throat. "Iris," I said.
"Alec," he said, what a nice name.
He handed me his phone with the new contact open. I quickly typed my name and number in.
"I really have to go." I squeezed my words together in a rush. "I guess I'll talk to you later." I grabbed my coffee and phone then left. I felt his eyes behind me as I went into my car.

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