Chapter 1

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Hi, umm I guess I should tell you about myself my name is Josh in 17 I live with my mom in

Australia I absolutely love it here! Um I know people have things against gay people but I think

it's wrong to judge since I'm...GAY... But I haven't told anyone not even my best friend Adam

He's been with me through ups and downs and I appreciate that but the only thing is I'm starting

to get stronger feeling for him and I don't think he should know I mean his hair slightly messy

and his perfect cheek bones his beautiful smile everything about him and I'm starting to think

my staring is starting to get more noticeable he is one of the popular guys and I'm more of the

nerd he is always with his other friends and leaves me hanging I mean what kind of best friend

does that!? And then he acts like he did nothing wrong and try's talking to me, right now my

mom is at work and Adam is here currently on his phone since we weren't doing anything I

decided to use my imagination and thinking of many ways I would act with him..I know I may

seem dirty minded about guys, but hey I'm gay


"Josh" he said in a seducive tone I bit my bottom lip "yeah Adam?' I asked sitting down keeping

eye contract with him "I want you" he said I looked at him wide eyed "Uh Adam I" I stutterd as

he walked closer to me "don't deny that you want me" he said creasing my cheek "I do

It's just" I said trailing off "it's just what?" He asked sitting on my lap my heart started beating

Rapidly as his hands trailed up and down to my small belly to my chest "Adam" I said uneasily

He then grabbed the back of my neck and forced his lips onto mine it was a pationantkiss his

lips roughly on mine as we layed on the couch him hovering over me and kissing we panted

"Adam what are you doing?" I asked worriedly as he started un buckling my jeans



"JOSH!" Adam yelled as I jumped off the couch and landed on the floor "geese A-" I couldn't

say his name without being weirded out "is everything ok mate?" He asked I nodded he gave me

a strange look and helped me up "thanks" I said pulling up my pants he smiled and sat down

"wanna watch a movie?" he asked I didn't reply I just nodded "Josh why are you so quiet?" He

asked confused I looked down..NOW IM GETTING SHY?!...I shook my head informing him

nothing was wrong "I know your lying" he stated I felt his eyes burning through me he kept

staring but I didn't give in we sat there for a good five minutes before he gave up "fine don't tell

me but I'm trying to help" he said getting his phone out and scrolled through it "well what movie

are we gonna watch?!" I said trying to lighten up the mood he looked at me with a bored

expression and shrugged "uh is 21 Jump Street ok?" I asked he looked at me puzzled "yeah but

why'd you ask you never ask?" He asked with an eyebrow raised I shrugged as if nothing was

wrong but really ugh he's just to cute I can't handle it I just want to kiss him but I can't theres

this force-field that's stoping me "Josh" he said snapping me out of my thoughts "yeah" I said

facing him "are you ok?" He asked weirdly I nodded and placed the movie in I went to sit back down and he still had his eyes on me

"Josh you can tell me anything" he said placing his hand on my knee THERE HE GOES AGAIN! I mean does he know I like him or

something? Well what am I supposed to tell him on yeah I'm gay and I'm in love with you! No

that would be just wrong I looked into his eyes there was some emotion in his eyes I couldn't

read I must've gave him a confused face since he raised and eyebrow "are you getting sick or

something?" He asked putting his hand on my forehead I shook it off but didn't say anything I

wanted to kiss him so bad UGH! Stupid best friend with stupid beautiful gorgeous eyes and nice

personality and body!!why me why Adam why? He then helped me by the hand and turned on

some slow music I was really confused he's giving my mixed signals he put my hands around

his neck I was way to in shock to do anything so I kept them there he put his hands on my waist

as we danced in a circle what was happening all of a sudden he's really close and I'm just

standing here I pulled away confused at his actions "what's wrong?" He asked I ran upstairs and

into my room and emidiatly shut the door and walked to my window I needed to relax this was

Way to much to process I mean first he starts to get cuter by the second and he keeps giving

me mixed signals tomorrow is Monday hopefully it's a better day tomorrow

~next. Day~

I woke up to see Adam on my bed a let out a scream as he woke up "uh sorry" I said rubbing my head he nodded and got up he

was on the corner so it wasn't anything...bad hopefully "I hope you don't mind I stayed over my mom and dad left on a briskness trip

and they barely told me yesterday" he apologized I nodded "it's ok" I answered looking at his abs,well you can't resist a 6~pack can ya? He stood there "uh Josh are you checking me out?" He asked moving his hips I chuckled "yes" I said in a sarcastic tone "I thought you loved this sexy piece of Australian biatch?" He pouted I laughed "does the sexy place of Australian biatch want a hug?" I asked him with a straight face he kept his pouty face and nodded "COME HERE!" I said spreading my arm out he jumped on me....literally and gave me a hug "you are wierd my friend" I said pushing him off me as much as I wanted him to stay we needed to get ready for school...this is gonna be a looonnnggggg day.

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