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I could be a better boyfriend than him; I could do the shit that he never did.” Dove Cameron’s song blasted on Lisa’s headphones during lunch break, and she emphasized with the lyrics as she looked over at the table where Jennie Kim, the girl who’s her friend and who she’s in love with, and her rumored boyfriend Kim Jongin or Kai were sitting. They were hanging out with Lisa’s other friend Kim Jisoo and Jisoo’s boyfriend Jung Hae-In talking about something, and Lisa couldn’t help but frown at how Jennie was telling Kai something, but Kai wasn’t listening; he was looking at his phone. “If it were me, I would be listening to every word she’s saying,” she thought to herself.

“Dude, I think one of them is going to melt if you keep staring at them,” a voice said, and Lisa turned and saw her best friend Park Chaeyoung, or Rosé, and her girlfriend Bae Suzy beside her with the plate of food. “Also, why are you far away from the others anyway?” Suzy asks. “I have to give the couples their space obviously,” Lisa said in an annoyed tone, making Rosé roll her eyes at her and walk away to the others, and with that, Lisa decided to join the rest, and seeing her, Jennie then diverted her attention to Lisa and started talking to her, and throughout lunch, Lisa thought of one thing: “I’m going to show Jennie I can be a better partner for her,” she thought after being inspired by the song she was listening to and told Rosé about it who called her an idiot but told her good luck so that gave her a bit of confidence.

Being one of Jennie’s best friend for a long time and listening to her every word made Lisa knew the things that make her heart flutter, and she watched to see if Kai did all those things. She knows that Jennie likes it when someone walks slowly to match her pace, when someone blocks the sunlight for her with their hand on a sunny day, when someone takes off their coat for her to wear because it’s cold out, when someone remembers something she has mentioned in the past and does it for her, when someone listens carefully to what she says, someone who’ll protect her, and someone dependable, and she thought if Kai doesn’t do those things then she’ll have to do it to show she’s much better. She decided not to tell anyone about her plan, as she wanted to be subtle about it.

And here are the things that Lisa did and made to make Jennie’s heart flutter and realize she’s much better than Kai:

When someone walks slowly to match her pace and when someone blocks the sunlight for her with their hand on a sunny day

It was Saturday and the girls were walking to their favorite place near a 7-11, and it annoyed Lisa that Kai was with them, and this is a friend hangout, but she couldn’t entirely complain since Hae-In and Suzy were there, but she’s more close with them than Kai, and as they walked, Lisa saw Jennie wearing heels and walking at a very slow pace so she wouldn’t trip, and there was Kai walking at a fast pace, not caring about Jennie, and seeing that, Lisa decided to do one of the things that makes Jennie’s heart flutter.

She slowed her pace while walking beside Jennie. “You should really stop wearing heels at this point; you look like you’re walking in slow motion with these heels,” Lisa told Jennie. “But I just bought them yesterday.” Jennie pouted, making Lisa chuckle at how cute she was. “Yeah, I know, but you’re going to hate it later, like always,” she reminds Jennie. “Yeah, but you’re going to give me a piggyback ride anyway.” Jennie says with a grin, “Why don’t you ask your BF to do it?” Lisa asks, cringing as she says that “I prefer the way you do it." Jennie says to Lisa, who smiles as they continued walking in a slow pace to the point Jisoo said that she’ll start calling them turtles now, and Lisa didn’t mind at least Jennie wasn’t alone.

As everyone got there, they sat on the benches and made Hae-In and Jisoo buy their drinks. Usually Jisoo would complain, but she didn’t mind it now since she has someone who will be carrying them, and Lisa noticed that Jennie was frowning as she couldn’t see her phone screen because of the sun’s rays and the sunlight was beaming directly at her. She also noticed that Kai wasn’t doing anything about it and was just listening to music and seeing that made Lisa get up and walk towards them, covering Jennie, who smiled when she saw Lisa do that.

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