The Knight and the Princess (Cyrus)

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"Once apon a time, there was a beautiful princess, who was to be next in line for the throne. Her knight was brave and loyal- There was rarely a time where you saw him away from her side. Though she was engaged, the two soon fell into a deep love. This was forbidden in the kingdom, but that did not stop them. They wanted to run far away..."

"Cyrus!" I cried out, sliding through the crowds of people.

It was my first time in Hoshido's shopping district, and I've already gotten lost. Loud chattering and footsteps surrounded the street before me, causing a slight headache. As a princess, I've never really been outside the outside the castle for leisure. It would have been nice to have my knight to escort me, but he had long since disappeared from my sight. You would think in a city of white his black attire would stick out, but that was not the case.

"...And he's the one that sprouted that whole 'I'll never leave your side' nonsense," I muttered to myself.

Gods, he could be so annoying sometimes!

Scanning the crowd, I suddenly spotted that familiar shade of blue hair near a book stand. That was Cyrus, no question. I yelled out to him immediately, catching his attention. He looked up.

"Princess! Where have you been? I was walking to this stand and then you suddenly disappeared? Jeez, pay more attention."

Putting my hand to my forehead, I looked at the floor, trying hard not to snap. He couldn't be serious.

"No, I didn't go anywhere. I must have lost you when you were walking here." I sighed, "What are you even looking at?"

He held up the small picture book held in his hands.

"The Knight and the Princess?" I asked.

Cyrus nodded, paying the cashier by the makeshift register.

"I thought I could read it to the kids. Since I'm popular with them and stuff. I used to read it to the village children in Nohr.

"Oh, right. "

I had forgotten that Cyrus was good with children. When we were in Nohr, he told me he'd read to the local kids in his village. It was probably the one of the only sweet sides of him.

We walked out to a more isolated road, myself enjoying the serene atmosphere of the meadows. My childhood friend stayed right beside me, his usual blubbering was no where to be seen. Uncomfortable, I spoke up.

"I've never heard of that children's book in Nohr. Is it not very popular?"

Cyrus widened his eyes and blushed, hold the script gently between his arms.

"I guess you could say that," he replied.

Such a mysterious answer. I nudged his side, asking him for more. A short silence was made between us until the knight finally gave in.

"It was banned in Nohr," he continued.

That made me even more curious. Books were rarely banned in Nohr; barely any of the commoner's could afford them anyway.

"Why?" I questioned, making him slightly uncomfortable.

"...The storyline. It's about a princess who falls in love with her knight. They end up running away together."

I frowned. Nothing seemed wrong with that.

"Have you ever heard of Princess Helena?" He suddenly asked.

I nodded a reply.

"The 14th Princess of Nohr. She was supposed to become queen, but was sent to jail for treason."

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