"I think its your FIRST TIME.........."

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Finally she sees the Building 'CARE AND CURE -Hospital by JINDAL GROUPS'. She is feeling nervous and murmered, "finallyy...pahunch hi gyi mai"

She heads towards the hospital and steps inside, looking around carefully. This type of hospital had always been her dream place to work, and now, being here felt amazing. The garden outside is beautiful, full of colorful flowers and green plants. Inside, the hospital feels calm and welcoming. Unlike other hospitals that often feel cold and unfriendly, this one feels warm and comforting. The atmosphere here lifts people's spirits, especially for those with mental health challenges, making them feel cared for and at ease.

Antrima approached the receptionist, her stride confident. "Good morning," she greeted warmly.

The receptionist looked up with a pleasant smile. "Good morning! How may I assist you?"

"Today is my first day as the Psychiatrist. Could you direct me to Dr. Ana Tyson's office?" Antrima inquired.

"May I see your ID card, please?" the receptionist requested.

Antrima handed over her ID card. After a quick check in the database, the receptionist nodded. "Ah, there you are. Dr. Tyson's office is on the third floor. You'll find her nameplate there."

"Thank you very much," Antrima said, bowing slightly.

"You're welcome, ma'am. Have a wonderful day," the receptionist responded with a courteous node.

Antrima stepped into the elevator, heading to the third floor to meet Dr. Ana Tyson. As she reached her destination, she carefully scanned each nameplate.

"Dr. Christiana... Dr. Mark... Dr. Chris... Dr. Ana Tyson... finally."

Standing before Dr. Tyson's door, she took a moment to adjust her appearance, then nervously knocked and asked, "May I come in, ma'am?"

"Yes, you may," Dr. Ana Tyson's voice called from within.

Antrima slowly opened the door, stepped into the room, and gently closed it behind her. "Good morning, ma'am. I am Dr. Antrima Sehgal. I've come for my joining as a psychiatrist. I received the hospital's email instructing me to meet with you first."

"Oh yes, of course. Please, have a seat, Dr. Sehgal," Dr. Tyson responded warmly.

Antrima took a seat and handed over her files.

Dr. Tyson waved them away with a smile. "No need for those. I've already reviewed them. I must say, you are an outstanding psychiatrist."

"Thank you," Antrima replied, smiling.

"I think its your FIRST TIME being in the professional position as a psychiatrist, isn't it?" Dr. Tyson inquired.

"Yes, though I have experience working with various NGOs, one of which was funded by the Jindal Group," Antrima explained.

"Yes, I am aware," Dr. Tyson nodded approvingly.

"Dr. Sehgal, you'll be working in our child ward. There are children there who have suffered abuse, as*ault, loss of parents, and other traumas. I've noted your expertise in child psychology, and they need your help. Since you're new here, Dr. Amanda, your co-doctor in the child ward, will give you a full tour of the hospital," Dr. Ana Tyson explained, her tone both compassionate and authoritative.

Antrima listened attentively, nodding. "Understood, ma'am."

"Your salary will be credited to your bank account on the first of every month. I trust that your expertise will significantly contribute to the betterment of our hospital," Dr. Tyson continued.

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